
Monday, July 14, 2014

Blog Tour Review and Giveaway: Road Tripping by Noelle Adams

 Tour: Road Tripping by Noelle Adams 

  Road Tripping
Publication Date: July 7, 2014 

Ethan was Ashley’s secret crush, until he became an asshole. Asshole is too good a word for him. It’s bad enough that he stopped talking to her brother, who was his best friend since preschool. It’s even worse that he went wild and got involved with criminal types. But the worst thing of all is the way he trapped her on this ridiculous road trip. That’s what it is. Ridiculous. It just isn’t normal for a girl to get dragged from Virginia to South Dakota in a stolen car with just $1000 in cash. With Ethan Moore, who is way too hot and way too infuriating to be tolerated. But she’s stuck with him on a trip that is taking way longer than it should, sharing cheap hotel rooms, destroying cars, and eluding bad guys. Yep. There are bad guys chasing them. Even worse guys than Ethan, and that’s saying a lot. Plus, she’s having trouble keeping her hands off Ethan. In fact, she’s falling for him hard—when she isn’t wanting to wring his neck. So, for two crazy weeks, her pride, her heart, and her life are all threatened. Ashley isn’t sure which she’ll lose first. About the Author: Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she teaches English, reads any book she can get her hands on, and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel. She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.

They had been driving for about two hours when they reached the outskirts of Charleston, West Virginia.
“I’m getting hungry,” Ashley said, looking at the road signs advertising various restaurants.
Ethan shook his head. “It’s not even lunch time yet.”
“Well, we didn’t have breakfast. I have to have some sustenance if I’m going to be stuck all day and night in this car with you.”
“It will have to be inexpensive. We can’t waste all our money on filling your infinite belly.”
Ashley let out a squeak of outrage. Peered down at her stomach. It wasn’t perfectly flat, but it looked pretty good. Her body certainly went in at the middle—a lot of guys liked her shape.
Ethan was shaking his head again and evidently reading her mind. “I wasn’t insulting your body. Just your appetite.”
“Oh,” Ashley said, feeling ridiculously relieved. “Anyway, I’m used to eating cheaply. It’s not like we’re rolling in money, you know. Especially now.”
“What do you mean, especially now?”
“Especially after the thing with Mark. It was really hard on our family, including on our bank account.” She felt a surge of resentment again towards Ethan, overwhelming any soft feelings she’d had before. “We can’t afford million-dollar boats, you know.”
“That boat didn’t cost a million dollars.” His voice was natural, but his expression was stiff. She hoped he felt terrible, remembering what he’d done to Mark, who had always loved him.
“That’s not the point. The point is you’ve obviously made plenty of money in a really horrible way, while you’ve hurt a lot of people—including us. And then you act like we don’t exist—even Mark, who was supposed to be your best friend.”
“You think it would be a good idea for you and your brother to hang out with me for the last year?” His tone sounded a little strange now, like it was edged with something he couldn’t express.
“No. Of course not. But that should be our decision. Not yours. You and Mark were friends since you were four years old. Don’t you even miss him?”
She missed her brother. A lot. And she missed Ethan too. At least, the Ethan she used to know.
Ethan was looking at the road and not at her now. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I do.”
Her heart skipped at beat at the poignant note in his tone. “So why did you drop him that way?”
He opened his mouth but didn’t say anything immediately.
She waited for his response, her heart again pounding wildly, her breath coming out in strange little gasps. It felt like something was about to change the nature of her world, but she didn’t know what it was.
Held her breath. Waited.
And waited some more.
“Ethan?” she prompted sharply, irritation rising once more like a tide.
He was studying his rearview mirror. “There’s an unmarked police car behind us,” he muttered.
Ashley made a choked sound of frustration, “Of course there is. They’re coming to arrest us. You stole a fucking car!”

Road Tripping was not only just a romance but a suspense story as well.  I really enjoy reading books that have you reading rapidly because you have to know if they get out of a certain situation, its like watching a movie and sitting on the edge of your seat and the anticipation of what is going to happen next about makes you wanna scream.  Well this book will definitely keep you wanting to know what the end result will be.  There are a few twists and turns I didn't see coming and that make me enjoy this story even more.  I would give it a solid 4-4.5 stars!  You gotta love and ending with an earth shattering orgasm that makes you pass out :) who wouldn't want that!  I have read a couple books by Noelle Adams and she still has a fan in me.  I love how she can be romantic, quirky, and hilarious with her characters.  This book was a ton of fun to read and I looked forward to more from this author.

Ethan and Ashley have known each other since they were kids.  Ethan was Ashley's brother's best friend and of course she was secretly in love with him for years, until one day her brother got in serious trouble and she blamed Ethan for the whole thing.  She always tried to be the good girl never get in trouble and she wasn't going to let anyone change her ways. She would show her parents that they still had one great child to be proud of.  What will happen when she finds herself involved in an unsuspected road trip and striving to not only stay alive but fighting feelings for a man she never thought she would talk to again or see again for that matter. 

Ethan was your typical bad boy who had the mysterious job that he never spoke of.  He wasn't expecting to get caught up in trouble that would lead Ashley's brother to get in trouble but again that's just her brothers side of the story and he wasn't going to let anyone know his secret that it wasn't his fault.  When he see's Ashley at a gas station wearing her to "good for you" outfit and attitude he couldn't stop himself from saying hello.  He knows she hates him but she doesn't know how he truly feels for her.  He never thought of his job as dangerous per say but that day at the gas station he finds out that his boss sent people out to kill him and he now has to run to save his life, but also to save Ashley too.. wrong place wrong time is a great way to explain Ashley being involved.  

What will happen on this road trip?  They face many obstacles and can't seem to catch a break.  Can Ashley and Ethan find there way to each other during this trip or will it end with someone losing there life?  

If you want to enjoy a thrilling adventure pick this book up now and you will not regret it!  Thanks again to Noelle Adams for a great story!  

Ethan- "I'm not lying.  I remember when I was eight and you dug up a bunch of worms as a way to get me and Mark to let you go fishing with us.  I saw you with all those worms, and my heart was gone forever.  I just got lucky that you ended up so beautiful."

Ashley- Ashley smiled, feeling a surge of confidence.  Her goal in life was no longer being a good girl with a picture-perfect future.  It was about being a good woman, a good person.  It was about being Ashley.  "I do. And I am.  I'm not going to let him slip away from me."

Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn't stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she teaches English, reads any book she can get her hands on, and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.

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