
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Review Tour: Starting from Broken by F.T. Zele


Title: Starting from Broken
Author: F.T. Zele
Genre: Adult, Romance
Release Date: January 14, 2015
Photography by: Elena Dimitraki
Cover Design by: Helen Williams

Raised in the system, Liz Murphy longed for the day that she would have a family of her own to care for, to love. 
Happiness is just within her reach when tragedy strikes, ripping everything away, leaving Liz so hopeless and desperate that she attempts the unthinkable…. 

Braxton Wright cares only for three things: his bars, making money, and his mother. He doesn’t do relationships, stays far away from girls that need anything other than one night. Meeting Liz leaves him conflicted; wanting to know her, to keep her, but scared she will crack the foundation he’s sacrificed so much to build. 

As Liz learns to live again, Braxton’s life shatters, leaving him in a million pieces. 

Could love be enough to bind two broken people, or will the world succeed in tearing them apart…

Starting From Broken was a heart wrenching tale of love lost and trying to pick up the pieces of your life after such a loss.  I would give this book a 4 star and would recommend to others.  This story broke my heart at the beginning..I am not sure I would be able to pick up the pieces after losing what Liz lost in her life.  Then you have Braxton his life will shatter into pieces as well the title of this book says it all they started from broken and are looking for a way to pass through the broken pieces.  This is the first story I have read by F.T. Zele but it most certainly won't be the last.  Will they find an HEA or will the pieces of there lives be too broken to fix???
Liz grew up in the system so when she met Jacob her life turned around for the better for once in her life but when all that is taken away and she is left in shambles she will do something drastic.. but fate has a way of stepping in and Liz will have to live with the tragedy and her choices.  When Liz finally decides to clean up her life starting with her house she will find something that will make her wonder what went wrong in the first place did she not see signs that she should have changed her life years ago and that this tragedy may have just opened a new door for her?  She will finally go out to have some fun but a certain hot sexy man keeps popping up everywhere she goes, when they finally meet he will treat her badly one night and she feels like all is lost again. 
Braxton only cares about himself and his mom.. he has one night stands but doesn't give his heart away.  He will not let anyone get between his plan he has to take care of his mother and most woman try to take him away from that.  When he meets Liz he is immediately curious about her and when they give into the lust that have been skirting around he finds out a secret about Liz and bolts out the door leaving her knowing what he is doing will ruin what he could have had with her.  
What will happen when more secrets come out and tragedy strikes again?  Will Liz be able to open heart again to someone that could potentially hurt her more than Jacob ever did?  Will Braxton let go of his control and finally find love?  Or will it all be for nothing when the final secret is revealed?
Go get this book now you will not be disappointed one bit!  Thanks for a great mind crazy journey and I look forward to much more in the future from this author!  


F.T. Zele lives in Southern California with her Husband and 3 Sons. When she is not writing, you can find her on Swoon Worthy Books posting updates on books and Authors, and let’s not forget about the Man-candy. She is taking her passion for books and making it her reality with writing, bringing these voices to life. She loves interacting with others talking about great Books and Book Boyfriends. She has a weakness for Sour Patch Kids and has inappropriate fun when she is having her wine at night tweeting her thoughts. She also likes to make up words. The best word to describe her is Winetastic!