
Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog Tour & Review: Chasing Mr. Wrong by Joya Ryan

 Who needs Mr. Right when you can have the perfect Mr. Wrong?

Chasing Mr. Wrong is AVAILABLE NOW

Barnes & Noble:

Ryder Diamond—the town’s golden boy—doesn’t have time for taking chances, let alone love. Against his better judgment, he lets his buddies set him up on a blind date with a girl who’s only passing through town. But temporary or not, Whitney James sets fire to desires he can’t control.

Before they know it, Ryder and Whitney are in a supply closet, drowning in lust. She’s only in town for the summer—what better way to spend it than in the arms of Mr. Perfect? Except, she’s wild and free, and he’s Mr. Stability. Which means he may as well be Mr. Wrong.

And her new job? It’s with Ryder’s sister.

Sex and the inability to keep their hands off each other are the only things they have in common. But this little hook-up has “disaster” written all over it...and the only way Ryder can save his reputation is by avoiding the sweet little firecracker who could ruin it all. 

“So you’re from around here?” the sexy brunette asked as she eyed her shot and bent over the pool table again.

Jesus Christ, Ryder needed to get a grip. He couldn’t stare all night at her perfect ass in those insanely short shorts. Her shirt was tied up and gave flashes of her tight stomach, and Ryder had to take a deep breath. Maybe Bass was right. It’d been too long since he’d gotten laid.

“It’s not a hard question, big guy,” she said, snapping his thoughts out of the gutter and back to reality. Where were his manners?

“I’m sorry, sweetness. Run that by me again?” He stood straighter, gripping his pool cue as her big, chocolate eyes flashed up at him with a smile.

“I asked if you were from around here.” She hit the five in the side pocket and straightened.

Was he from around there? Technically, the lodge was in Diamond County, but it wasn’t zoned in the town of Diamond. He’d have to hold onto that technicality. If he so much as gave his last name, the connection would be made and the questions would start. Was he rich? Was he married? On and on.

For now, he wanted to take advantage of what Bass had said. This woman was passing through for just one night, and for one night, he didn’t have to be Ryder Diamond of the founding Diamonds.

“Not exactly,” he finally answered. It was the truth, basically.

She nodded and looked at him. Those roaming eyes gave off what he knew was a look of interest. And damn, it was a mighty fine look.

“You’re a little mysterious, cowboy,” she said, her east coast accent kicking up just a hair.

“Not a cowboy.” He drawled the last word and dropped the vowel just enough to gauge her reaction. Judging by the quick intake of air, and those high perfect breasts pressing tight against that shirt, he’d guess she was toiling with the idea of what getting down and dirty with a country boy was like. And he’d happily show her. “You wanna tell me where you’re from?”

She glanced away. “I move around a lot. Not really from anywhere.”

Huh. So she was playing the part of a mystery as much as he was.

She bent over the pool table again, even though it was his turn. He happily let her have the shot.

“How about this,” he said, and came to stand by her. “Why don’t we skip all the personal questions? You just tell me about yourself, however much or little you’d like.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “The more mysterious, the better?”

He smiled. “You got it.”

With her pool cue perfectly aligned, she winked at him, and then, without taking her eyes off him, she nailed the shot and sank the three ball. She was better than good, and that had him instantly hard. She was young, hot, and stirred his blood in a way it hadn’t been in a while. Maybe ever. Because with her lush mouth and hypnotic eyes, it was hard keeping his manners at the forefront, especially when she represented everything easy, fun, and wild.

And good Lord, he would make sure tonight fulfilled every fantasy he’d denied himself. Just like a diabetic sampling chocolate frosting…only once Ryder had a taste, he’d consume the whole damn cake.

She’s bad for you…

The quiet voice whispered that familiar warning. She was a temptation that he should be struggling to resist, yet every beat of his pulse told him that she’d be worth the sin. A night of lust to scratch this damn itch, then he could go back to his normal life tomorrow.

He’d been burned by a woman before. A woman like the one in front of him. Sexy, wild, and looking for fun, not for serious. And Ryder was a serious guy. Had to be. The second he wasn’t, he lost control and paid the consequences dearly.

Don’t get sucked in… Resist.

“I like personal details,” she said. “But not the boring kind. I don’t want to know where you’re from or what you do.”

Ryder nodded. He could get on board with that. “Details, so long as they’re not boring. And how do we go about that?”

She gave a wicked grin and ran her teeth over her bottom lip. He watched every damn slide, wishing to hell he could taste what she was tasting.

What a great, quick read; steamy to boot!

Ryder is rigid and set on his perception within his community. He feels like he doesn't have time to be frivolous. That is until he is set up on a blind date with a girl named Candy.

A case of mistaken identity brings Ryder to Whitney. She is a free spirit deemed to experience all that life has to offer. She is passing through the town where Ryder lives and gets a job to make some money before moving on.

They are hot and steamy and keep can't keep their hands off each other, in private. Whitney makes Ryder want to let loose and Ryder makes Whitney want to put roots down.

Can they come to a compromise?

Go one click this now! You will not be disappointed.

Chasing Mr. Wrong is a good book with a great story line. It is the 4th book in the Chasing Love Series but can definitely be read as a standalone. I would give this book a 4 stars and recommend to others! 

This story is about a man Ryder and girl Whitney who couldn't be more wrong for eachother but there chemistry is off the charts! The good boy meeting the somewhat bad girl. 

The sexy scenes were smokin' hot and the not so sexy scenes were awesome as well. Who would have thought that candy would play such a strong roll in a book (hahahhahaha). 

It is a quick read but oh so fulfilling at the same time. A case of mistaken identity will turn both Ryder and Whitney's life upside down. Neither looking for anything permanent for different reasons... but will they find they can't deny they were meant for eachother??

Go pick up this book ASAP! You won't be disappointed! Thanks Joya Ryan for a great read I look forward to much more in the upcoming future!

Chasing Mr. Wrong by Joya Ryan is a story about trying to live up to the expectations of others, even if it means at the expense of your own happiness.  The weight that those expectations place on your shoulders in the aftermath of the mistakes of a youthful past.  This book was fantastically written and held my attention from the very first page until the last, with the need to know how things would turn out for Ryder and Whitney.  This book was a 3.5 star read for me and I highly recommend it to others!

Ryder Diamond is a member of the founding family of his small tight knit town, and with that comes responsibilities that he gladly accepts, even though it means putting his own wants and happiness aside for the good of the townspeople.  A mistake he made long ago when he put his needs above those of all others, still haunts him to this day, making every decision he makes one that is for the good of his family name and his town only.  When Whitney, a gypsy-like woman, lands in town with the goal of earning enough money before moving on to her next adventure, she awakens feelings within Ryder that he long since repressed.  Can Whitney break through the exterior that Ryder shows the world, to expose the fun loving, adventurous man below?

Whitney has experienced a tragedy in her life that has shaped the way that she now lives.  Adventure and variety is what she knows yearns in the name of family; moving from one place to the next once she has enough money saved from doing odd jobs is the only thing that makes her happy and allows her to keep the sadness at bay, until one wild night with Ryder Diamond has her feeling things that she doesn't know if she truly wants.

While Ryder and Whitney embark on a relationship in private only, while keeping up a public persona, their feelings for each other intensify to a point that can no longer be ignored.  When Whitney makes a decision to take a chance she never imagined, the reader is on the edge of their seat wondering if the payoff will be what she wants, or if once again she will pack up her car and move on to another adventure, or will her next adventure be at Ryder's side?  You will have to read to find out!

National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered series, which includes Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly, and Capture Me Slowly. She has also written the Sweet Torment series, which includes Breathe You In and Only You. Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home. Along with her husband and her two sons, she resides in California.

Signed copies of all 4 books in the Chasing Love Series 

(Ecopy for international)

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