Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Release Blitz: Must Love Lions by Alma Black

Shifter Date: Must Love Lions: A Paranormal Dating App Standalone Romance (Paranormal Romance App - Shifter Date Book 1) by [Black, Alma]
Alma Black's new paranormal romance: Shifter Date: Must Love Lions is available now!

Alexis Parrish is very single. Sassy and smart, she's great at her job as a journalist, but it's never given her the time to find the right man--specifically, a human. So when she gets assigned to interview Max, a lion shifter, about the new dating app he's created, she can't believe her intense attraction to him. After all, humans and shifters don't date.

Max is used to causing trouble. He broke tradition by creating the dating app, Shifter, which humans and shifters alike can use to answer the call of the wild.

When Max challenges Alexis to give him a chance, she can't say no. A human like her has no business with this handsome alpha lion, but she can't resist his magnetism. Their chemistry is primal, their connection positively animalistic. After all, once you go shifter, you never go back.

But when a rogue shifter group against interspecies dating targets Alexis, Max will stop at nothing to protect her. It's more than his pride on the line; it's his mate.

Do you like paranormal shifter books? Do you like reading about conflict and love? Then you need to check out Alma Black's Must Love Lions. The book is 4.5 stars and one you should one click today. 

Alexis Parrish is one of the best reporters out there. She doesn't take any gruff and she doesn't want to fall for the allure surrounding Max, a lion shifter who just created a new dating app. The app will allow humans and shifters to date and mingle, something she doesn't exactly agree with,  but he makes her a proposal she can't refuse. Will spending time with him prove to her that dating a shifter will endanger her life...or just her heart? It could be both. 

Max was intrigued by Alexis the moment she stormed into his office to interview him, and he found himself offering her full access to him. He wanted her...badly. Will he be able to protect her from danger lurking in the dark, or will he lose her? You have to read to find out!

The book was enjoyable from page one. I'm not going to lie, there were a couple of times I scratched my head at the wording or choice of words. Example, solar plexus versus stomach. It didn't distract at all and if anything, I thought the usage to be enjoyable and not the norm. The characters are well written and relatable, the story is a great addition to the PNR universe. I've only read one other lion shifter story, and I have to say that this story by Alma Black ranks right up there with Christine Warren's Walk on the Wild Side-one of my fave PNR books. So if you are looking for a good shifter book, one click on Must Love Lions by Alma Black today!!

Giveaway: Mega Giveaway for Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Dystopian Fans

Welcome to the Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Dystopian Reader Appreciation Giveaway!

We’re so glad you stopped by! In this giveaway, EVERYONE who enters will win TWENTY FREE – EXCLUSIVE – ebooks by the sponsoring authors (to be delivered at the conclusion of the giveaway), and one GRAND PRIZE winner will also receive a $1000 Amazon Gift Card! The Winner will be announced on February 1st at our Facebook Event. The winner will also receive an email directly.

There will ALSO be other prizes and giveaways happening at that event between now and our Grand Prize announcement! So make sure you mark yourself as attending so you don’t miss those great opportunities to win more prizes and snag more freebies!

Here are a couple of sneak peeks!

ETERNAL NIGHT, by Jade Kerrion
Ashra’s hand trailed across Jaden’s muscled torso. He made it easy for her to be gentle. His body trembled as if he longed for her. His mouth was hungry for her kiss. He arched up against her, as if craving more. His need was like a living creature, wild and aching for her touch.

Eyes closed, Ashra shivered. Only one other person had desired her as much.

And he was dead.

She forced her way through the memories of pale bodies tangled upon cool silk sheets. When her soul-sucking power leeched out, it found no opposition. Images of the human’s life rewound in a blaze of vivid sights, sounds, and sensations.

Ashra looked up at Tera, her smile little more than a barely perceptible curve of her lips. “He fancies himself the protector of the child of prophecy. Was she among those taken tonight?”

Tera nodded.

Ashra chuckled, the sound without humor. “It’s a pity her genetic heritage wasn’t sufficiently superior to prevent her from being culled.”

“There’s more. Go deep.”

She pushed past the blackness at the start of his memories, expecting deeper darkness. Instead, the colors shifted into shades of ochre and gray. Memories, older than his body, resided in his soul; memories of an Earth long since lost to them—a planet surrounded and nourished by water; images of tall buildings glistening beneath a benevolent sun, and of thriving cities filled with the bustle of humans; memories of quiet and intimate conversations beneath a silver moon, the same silver moon that now graced Malum Turris with its light, though a thousand years older and viewed only from beneath the protection of the dome.

She saw herself as he must have seen her, a much-younger icrathari, still hopeful for the future, never realizing that the Earth they had all known and loved was irretrievably lost. Had she ever looked that vulnerable? Had her smile ever been so beautiful, so filled with love as she looked upon—

“Rohkeus?” Oh, blessed Creator, was that stricken whisper her voice?

Ashra pulled back and stared at the human. Her mouth dropped open. Her heart pounded in her chest, its beat erratic. It couldn’t be. It simply couldn’t be—

She looked up at Tera. The other icrathari nodded.

Rohkeus’s soul reborn…in a human.

Ashra threw her head back and laughed, a despairing sound. Her prince, her love, reduced to a human? Her slender fingers coiled into fists. Her golden eyes glittering, she pushed away from him, though her body trembled from the loss of his warmth. No, the human was not Rohkeus; he could never be Rohkeus.

Steeling herself against the gasp of pain that escaped from his lips as the anesthetizing effect of her kiss faded, Ashra rose to her feet with sinuous grace. “He is not one of us. Not anymore.” Nothing had been more devastating than losing Rohkeus to a human assassin. To see his soul reborn in that contemptible and weak race was an insult to the person Rohkeus had been.

“Should we turn him into a vampire?” Tera asked.

“Kill him. Set Rohkeus’s soul free.”

A Cross to Bear: A Gabriella Cross Paranormal Romance Book 1
All around her, the sounds of baying wolves echoed in the night. Trees slapped her face as she ran, and she tripped more than once. She was crying now and mumbling to herself, terrified. She dared not look back, knowing that the wolves were pursuing her. She came out of the woods into a clearing leading to a tall hill. The howls came from all directions. Shadows flew through the woods in her peripheral vision, and Gabby cried out. She fell again, skinning her knee badly on a jagged rock. In her terrified state, she felt no pain, but continued as fast as she could and ran up the hill.

A snarl came from directly behind her, and she instinctively turned and cried out. A wolf was bearing down on her fast. She turned and raised a hand as the beast leapt at her with gleaming claws leading the way.

“NO!” Gabby cried.

To her amazement, the wolf changed form in mid-flight and turned into a naked man. He landed at her feet on all fours and snarled at her.

“Get away from me!” she screamed.

The naked man backed away from her warily, glancing down at his human hands with a look of confusion and shock. More wolves were coming out of the woods. They stopped when they saw the one who had turned into a human in the light of the full moon.

Gabby wasted no time considering her luck and ran as fast as she could up the hill.

“Gabriella Cross, stop!” Michael’s voice rose up over the howls.

Gabby could hardly see through her tears. She didn’t dare look back, knowing that she would find death closing in on her. She reached the top of the hill and ran across the flat expanse of rocky earth.

“Gabriella!” came the voice again.

The wolves were gaining on her.

She darted between two pines blocking her way, receiving many scrapes on her face and arms. Half blinded by tears and slapping branches, she stumbled out from between the trees and suddenly came to a steep cliff. She tried to stop, but her momentum was too great. With a terrified cry she fell forward over the cliff.

She frantically thrashed her arms as she fell to her death. Above, on the ledge, a mournful wolf cried out. The ground was coming up fast to crush her, and Gabby closed her eyes, not wanting to see her death.

Then. Suddenly. Gabriella was weightless.

Strong arms held her firmly. She opened her eyes to find a winged beast staring back at her.

Gabby passed out.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sales Blitz: Gravity by A.B. Bloom

Title: Gravity
Series: Gravity Series #1
Author: A.B. Bloom
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
- ON SALE FOR $0.99 -

They are calling it the End of Days.  The world is plunging into darkness, the days growing shorter and the nights longer. Meteor showers are falling to the earth and there are some who would take advantage of the growing darkness.
For sixteen-year-old Bronte Bell, her problems are closer to home. Since her birthday she's become weaker, her bones breaking, her hair falling out and plagued with constant migraines. No one can explain why. Until a mysterious new boy arrives and tells her that everything is not as it seems. She is not what she seems.
Drawn into a war that divides the sky, Bronte is torn between her desire to save the world and her growing connection with Nick. But she will have to let go of reality as she knows it, if she is to accept her role in destiny before the Hunter, who has been tracking her since birth, finds and destroys any chance she has of making the choice which is her birthright to make.
Her destiny will change everything.
“My excitement about this book is beyond controllable! I want, no I need EVERYONE to read this book. It's the author's first Paranormal book, but I guarantee you its AMAZING!!” ~Willow’s Corner 5 Star Review
“This story is so refreshing. So beautiful so different. It left me speechless and content at the end. I was like: yes. That was IT.” ~Heavenly Good Books 5 Star Review
"Listen. Can you just take the cap off? It's annoying me." He laughed, an unexpected sound. He seemed too intense to be the kind of person to laugh. "Well, I'd hate to annoy you." He swept the cap off, leaving a shock of jet-black hair standing on end. "Oh." My mouth fell open. "Oh, what?" His eyes narrowed and I snapped my mouth shut. “Nothing." I took a few breaths, just to make sure I was alive and there was the slimmest chance this was real. "So, am I going to ask the questions or are you going to talk?" He laughed again, and I was sure his body pitched a little bit closer to mine. Violet eyes pinned me in place and I struggled to remember how to swallow. "When you were seven you decided you wanted to climb trees." My body stiffened. "Yes?" "There's a fir tree in your back garden that's easily sixty feet high." "Yes?" "What do you remember about the time you fell?" The violets flickered at me. "It was August and scorching hot, you were wearing red shorts and a yellow T-shirt. You fell through the branches like a pine cone?" I stared up into his face, his skin was dark olive, eyes burning bright. My tongue ran along my lips while my heart made a terrible thudding noise in my chest. "I don't." I whispered. "I woke up and I was on the ground." "I know. I caught you." My body stepped back although his hand darted out and snatched hold of mine. "Bronte, I've been watching you your whole life. I know it sounds weird." His nose scrunched as he contemplated just how weird it sounded. "Why?""Because," he ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up at electrifying angles. “Because you're the last of the star children. The last of the half born."
I rubbed my thigh, which was already aching with that heavy lead sensation that comes from a dead limb, and tried to gain my footing. "Easy there." A hand jutted out and grasped my elbow, stabilising me as I threatened to topple again. "Sorry," I mumbled. My cheeks were glowing a vicious, volcanic, burn. I could live without Eleanor Heavers finding out I'd fallen over not once, but twice on the first day. I knew she would, though. Gossip spread through the school like fire through a parched forest. "You seem to be vertically challenged." The voice was soft, bringing a low bell to mind. My stomach felt all squishy, which was odd when combined with numb legs. My eyes snapped up into the shadowed face of the boy from the picnic bench. His face tilted under the worn peak of his baseball cap. His features obscured in shadows so I couldn’t get a good look at the caps owner. "I am not." I stated. My blatant lie made the burn running along my cheeks intensify until I was uncomfortably hot. He was scrutinising me and I didn't know why. I stood there, while from under the cap, I knew he was evaluating what he saw. I prickled, straightening my shoulders. I didn't exactly march off down the corridor in outrage at his blatant presumptuous scrutiny. I just kind of suspended there while he stared from under the cap. "No?" he asked. His fingers still held my elbow, and I tried to peer closer so I could see him better. It was an impulse I couldn’t ignore and I shifted forward. "You also don't seem to grasp the concept of personal space.” He stepped away, breaking the spell that had pulled me towards him. The burning flush transformed into an all out uncomfortable sweat. "Sorry, I was just. Um, just." What was I doing? "Just, what?" The voice sounded like it might be amused if it could be arsed. "Just trying to see you." The words blurted from my mouth, clanging into the air around me like boulders into a small rain puddle. "Trying to see what?" As he spoke, my bag slipped off my shoulder. It smashed onto the floor with the heavy thud that twenty overdue library books will make. I scrambled to pick up the mess. "You," I said. Glancing up, I looked to see his reaction to my outrageous declaration, but there was nobody there. Just me and an empty hallway and the bell tolling on the wall, telling me I was late for my first class.
I'm Anna Bloom a contemporary romance writer. 
My heart lies with mature young adult, I just love writing about first love and the trials and tribulations of young romance. When I do write for adults I like it to be about second chances, not only in love but in life itself. 
I live in Surrey with my husband, three children, two cats and a dog with a beard. I love cooking, especially if I'm also holding a glass of wine at the same time. I'm trying to get into growing my own veg . . . but I may just stick to writing books. 
Currently I'm enjoying time at home with my new baby who's only a few months old and writing on a full time basis. When I can I love to read and watch all things supernatural on the telly : )
I'm a big believer in true love, even the instant kind and I'm at my happiest when I'm writing stories about it for other people to enjoy.

Book Blitz and Giveaway: No Secrets by N. Raines

No Secrets
N. Raines
Publication date: November 29th 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance
She wants him…
Alyxandra Franklin crushed on Cris Garcia the first time they met. He wasn’t like the guys in her crowd, the boys in grown-up bodies. No, Cris was a man. A man who’d stand up for his girl, hold her close and keep her love safe. In spite of her feelings, Alyx never made a move on him. How could she? He belonged to her best friend, Gabi. And now it’s too late.
He hates her…
Cris figures if he never sees Alyx Franklin again, it’ll be too soon. She’s nothing but a spoiled stupid rich girl, too busy partying to care about anyone but herself. She’s the reason Gabi, the girl he loved, lost her life.
But he’s wrong. Gabi had secrets. When those secrets blow up his life, Cris is willing to go to any lengths to unravel the lies. Even if that means befriending Alyx—and sleeping with her—to learn the truth.

Only 99¢ until December 3rd!
Would you like to read Book 1 in Nona’s serial romance Not the Hot Chick for *FREE*?
Please go here:

Brandon nuzzled her ear. “It’s just you and me, baby.”
She pushed him away as she tried to think. Oh, God. If only she hadn’t had all those drinks. Her muzzy state made her clumsy and off-kilter. She meant no, but Brandon wasn’t taking no for an answer. Though she’d slapped away his hand, he kept pushing.
He tickled up her side as she tried to squirm away. “Bet I can change your mind…”
God, she was ticklish there. She couldn’t help laughing, even though she was pissed he wouldn’t take her seriously. “Don’t…no, stop it. I mean it, Brandon. Stop…”
A deep voice cut through her weak giggles and Brandon’s whispered teasing. “You got a problem with your hearing? She said stop.”
They both froze. Alyx couldn’t make out the man’s face in the darkness, but she knew the voice.
When he stepped into the light, Alyx stiffened even as her chest flooded with relief. Grateful as she was that someone had intervened, why did he have to be that someone?
He gazed at them stony-faced. His eyes zeroed in on Brandon’s hand on her waist. She felt Brandon’s hand tighten, then drop away as he glared back at Cris. “What do you want?”
“I want you to leave her alone.” He nodded at Alyx.
“Why don’t you just mind your own business?”
Cris ignored him, focusing on Alyx. “Do you want this assclown touching you?”
“Hey!” Clenching his fists, Brandon took a step toward Cris.
Alyx spoke quickly. “I just want to go home.” Though pissed off at Brandon, she didn’t want to see him and Cris get into it.
The air quivered with nervous energy as the two guys eyed each other. Brandon’s jaw was set as though he wanted to lay into Cris, and Cris looked as though he’d like nothing better than to bust Brandon in his preppy, pretty-boy face.
Another voice broke the tension. “Everything cool over here?”
A man stepped out of the darkness and stood beside Cris. Alyx recognized him from inside the bar, the guy who’d been sitting with Cris. Tall and broad shouldered, he was the kind of guy you’d want watching your back when trouble came calling.
“Yeah.” Cris’s even tone belied the tenseness in his body. “It’s all good, man.” He glanced at Alyx. “Where’s your car? I’ll drive you home. You’re in no shape to get behind the wheel.” Then he turned to the big guy, his friend. “Rick, can you follow us so I can get a lift back here to my ride?”
She tottered on her three-inch heels while Brandon sneered. “Well, I uh…my car’s not here. I mean, I came with a friend…but she left without me.” God, did she sound pathetic or what?
Brandon’s nasty laughter rang out behind them as his climbed into his car. “Good luck getting home, Alyx.” He gave the door a slam, then peeled out of the lot, gunning the motor as a farewell fuck-you.
Total silence reverberated before Cris spoke again. “You got some real nice friends.”
He didn’t even try to hide his contempt, obviously convinced she was stupid and irresponsible. Maybe he was right.
“Well, um, I could call a cab.” She unsnapped her tiny purse and wanted to cry when all she found was a compact, a tube of lipstick, and a couple of crumpled dollar bills.
Oh, crap. Not even enough to take the bus, if buses ran this late. What to do? Her brain scrabbled frantically to come up with an answer. “I could call my sister to come get me.” Right, ask her for a favor after you ditched her party. But no matter how pissed Morgan might be, she wouldn’t leave Alyx stranded. Nor would she tattle to their parents.
She felt both men’s gazes on her, the big guy’s soft with sympathy, Cris’s hard and judgmental. She felt every bit the spoiled little airhead they imagined her to be.
The big dude spoke up. “Well, I could—”
“No,” Cris said. “I got this, Rick. Come on, Alyx. I’ll take you home.”

N. Raines (who also writes as Nona Raines) is a former librarian who lives in upstate New York with her many pets. She’s currently working on her next novel between walking the dog and shooing the cats off the laptop. Her erotic romances are published with The Wild Rose Press and Loose Id. Her transgender romance His Kind of Woman was nominated for the 2014 DABWAHA sponsored by the Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books review blogs. Her most recent work is the romance novella Write to Me and the transgender romance Her Kind of Man.
