Saturday, March 31, 2018

Book Blitz: Bound by Deception by Trish McCallan

Bound by Deception
Trish McCallan
Publication date: March 30th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

He broke her heart. She twisted his mind. But in this game of love, nothing is quite as it seems…
Rebecca’s life is haunted by unexpected tragedies. Her lover left her when she least expected it, and her mother’s suicide took everybody by surprise. But when a recent inheritance reveals a secret, Rebecca discovers her mother’s death was actually a cold-blooded murder…
Dante “Rio” Addario swore off his irresistible ex and her web of lies 12 years ago. But the former Navy SEAL turned police detective can’t ignore Becca’s plea to re-open an old case. As he and his ex team up, they discover missing evidence, tight-lipped detectives, and the conspiracy that tore them apart over a decade ago…
With everything they believed thrown into chaos, Rio and Becca can’t ignore their reawakened desire. But if they don’t solve the case soon, the real killer may just finish the job and their love story…
Bound by Deception is the pulse-pounding third book in the Bound By series of romantic suspense novels. If you like simmering chemistry, chilling mysteries, and second chances, then you’ll love Trish McCallan’s twisty tale.

“Grab the door,” Rio said in a calm voice, his gaze flickering toward her.
“Sure.” Becca grimaced at the faintness of her voice, wishing she sounded as calm and casual as he did. But then he was probably used to being shot at—first as a Navy SEAL, then a police officer and now a detective.
Good God, his career choices practically begged for late afternoon shootouts, followed by cruising speeds of over a hundred miles an hour.
“Becca—” He shot another quick glance at the yawning abyss along her right side.
“I know. I know. The door!” She blew out an aggravated breath.
She anchored herself in place by grabbing the edge of the seat. Without looking down at the endless ribbon of black whistling below her, she leaned outside the cruiser far enough to grab the door handle. The agony pulsing across her shoulder escalated to knife jabs and volcanic lava as she struggled to pull the door toward her. When it finally clicked into place, she groaned in relief and collapsed into her seat.
Sweaty and shaky, she looked down at her right shoulder. Had the door’s impact broken a bone? Was that why it hurt so bad?
Queasy joined sweaty and shaky when she caught sight of the moist, red fabric of her blouse. Fabric that used to be white. Her gaze dropped to her right hand and the crimson beads that dripped steadily to the floor.
A broken shoulder or arm wouldn’t bleed. Would they?
She scanned her left side again. Nothing looked bent, or broken, or out of whack. It just looked bloody. Maybe the edge of the door had sliced her skin…but she didn’t see a rip in the fabric of her blouse.
High on her shoulder, though, just below the fleshy, curve, she found a blood-soaked, frayed hole in the fabric. A bullet sized hole.
Bullet wounds bled like the dickens. She knew that from the movies.

Trish McCallan was born in Eugene, Oregon, and grew up in Washington State, where she began crafting stories at an early age. Her first books were illustrated in crayon, bound with red yarn, and sold for a nickel at her lemonade stand. Trish grew up to earn a bachelor’s degree in English literature with a concentration in creative writing from Western Washington University, taking jobs as a bookkeeper and human- resource specialist before finally quitting her day job to write full time.
Forged in Fire, the first book in her Red Hot SEALs series, came about after a marathon reading session, and a bottle of Nyquil that sparked a vivid dream. She lives today in eastern Washington. An avid animal lover, she currently shares her home with four golden retrievers, a black lab mix and two cats.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Promo Tour: THE CHOICE (Doms of Her Life: Heavenly Rising, Book 1) by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob and Isabella LaPearl

  Heavenly Young doesn’t have time for romance. The innocent nursing student is struggling to care for her ailing father, keep a roof over their head, and start a new career. But fate decides to complicate her world even more by putting two very different men in her path and forcing her to make a choice that will change her life forever. Dr. Ken Beckman—vascular surgeon by day, super-alpha by night—has three hard-and-fast rules: Never date where he works, never touch vanillas, and never get tangled up with a virgin. But the moment he meets Heavenly, he aches to toss his scruples aside and claim the untouched beauty. She’s not ready for someone like him…but he wants her too much to walk away—even though he’s not the only man caught in her spell. Seth Cooper, ex-cop turned private eye, isn’t looking for a happily ever after, just a hot-and-sweaty good time. And the minute he claps eyes on Heavenly, he’s all for coaxing the angel into his bed. But soon, she’s so deep under his skin that he’s willing to put his broken past behind him and turn his life upside down for her. But he’s got competition… When it came to helping friends, Beck and Seth were in sync. But now they’re vying for the same girl, and the games get vicious—until they realize Heavenly is keeping secrets from them both. Will they call a truce and work together again before they both lose her for good?

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Raine's big brother shoved a glass of thick red vino in her hand. "So, did you find someone to fuck your brains out?" She recoiled. If she gave him an equally blunt answer, would he stop this mortifying inquisition? "Yes. It was easy." Heavenly punctuated her lie with a bright smile. River glowered. "Tell me Beck or Seth finally manned up." "He's someone you don't know." One of River's dark brows shot up. "Where did you meet him?" "Um…around." "What does that mean? A park? A bar? A grocery store? A swingers' club?" "Why does it matter? I found someone and it was lovely." He looked skeptical. "Lovely? That's how you describe meeting a stranger, losing your clothes, and banging him?" Heavenly bristled. "How would you describe a hookup?" "Hot, sweaty, messy. Mind-blowing. Spine-melting. Earth-shattering." River snorted. "Never lovely." "Sweaty?" She shuddered. "That sounds unpleasant. It was nice. I…tingled." "Tingled?" He scowled. "Did your pussy fall asleep because he couldn't find your clit? Maybe you should have given him a map." She nearly choked on her wine. "I found the experience perfectly satisfying." "Sweetheart, you don't know squat about satisfaction." Raine's brother leaned in and peered at her, eye to eye. "Here's what I think happened: You haven't so much as flirted with another man. You don't understand why 'lovely' sex is bad because you've never had it. In fact, not only did you not have sex with this mysterious 'stud,' you haven't offered the virginity you asked me to take to anyone else." "What. The fuck. Did you say?" Beck growled suddenly. Heavenly glanced over her shoulder. Both Beck and Seth glared from across the kitchen. Oh, no. "Get out," Seth snapped at River, hauling ass across the room. "Now. While you can still walk." Dread burned her veins. She didn't have to wonder how much they'd overheard. Obviously, it had been more than enough. Tonight had just gone from mortifying to catastrophic. River backed away, hands raised. "Hey, just so you know, I turned her down because I like my balls where they are." "That's the only reason you're getting to keep them," Beck insisted. "Seth told you to get the fuck out." "I'm leaving," River assured, then glanced her way. "Good luck." Once he'd gone, silence descended. She was alone with the two men who had been tempting, confusing, and consuming her for months. They were going to demand answers. This wouldn't end well. Heavenly drew in a shaky breath, startled to find both now inches away, arms crossed over their chests. Aggression rolled off them, filling the tense air. Beck drilled holes through her with narrowed eyes, set off by a scathing slash of his mouth. Seth's seething stare was no less displeased. Unfortunately, she had nothing to offer the savage beasts except a smile full of trembling bravado. Because the truth would change everything.

About Authors

Shayla Black
Shayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than sixty novels. For nearly twenty years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold millions of copies and been published in a dozen languages. Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past eight years. Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her daughter, and two spoiled tabbies. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.
Jenna Jacob
USA Today Bestselling author Jenna Jacob paints a canvas of passion, romance, and humor as her alpha men and the feisty women who love them unravel their souls, heal their scars, and find a happy-ever-after kind of love. Heart-tugging, captivating, and steamy, Jenna’s books will surely leave you breathless and craving more. A mom of four grown children, Jenna and her alpha-hunk husband live in Kansas. She loves reading, getting away from the city on the back of a Harley, music, camping, and cooking. Meet her wild and wicked fictional family in Jenna’s sultry series: The Doms of Genesis. Become spellbound by searing triple love connections in her continuing saga: The Doms of Her Life (co-written with the amazing Shayla Black and Isabella LaPearl). Journey with couples struggling to resolve their pasts and heal their scars to discover unbridled love and devotion in her contemporary series: Passionate Hearts. Or laugh along as Jenna lets her zany sense of humor and lack of filter run free in the romantic comedy series: Hotties of Haven.
Isabella LaPearl
Isabella LaPearl is a USA Today bestselling author known for her collaboration with Shayla Black & Jenna Jacob for the Doms of Her Life Series. She enjoys writing sexy, erotic romance. A wife, mother, writer, reader and a love for riding motorcycles. To say it's been an extraordinary journey thus far would be an understatement... what a rush! What a thrill to realize dreams and see them go from a seed to fruition. So for all you aspiring Authors, who like me, have a fire inside that burns brightly and demands to be sated by writing... Never give up.

Cover Reveal: Atticus by Sawyer Bennett

Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: June 12, 2018

Through the haze of vodka and self-loathing, Hazel Roundtree saw the poor creature lying in a ditch.

One brown eye. One blue.

Covered in mud and crying from pain, the puppy was desperately trying to free itself from a hopeless situation.

She almost kept walking by. She had her own problems and besides… no one had ever stopped to help her.

Who we’re ultimately meant to be is a journey without end, but there’s always a defined start…

Hazel had no idea the dog would be her beginning, her second chance, the miracle she never saw coming. She named him Atticus. He grew up to be a very bad—and completely awesome—dog.

A heart-warming and deliciously funny story about the world’s worst behaved dog and how he taught his human how to love again. Atticus will take the reader on a wild romp of mischievous misadventures in search of a much needed happily ever after. 

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Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released multiple books, many of which have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active daughter, as well as full-time servant to her adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or even better, both.

Sawyer also writes general and women’s fiction under the pen name S. Bennett and sweet romance under the name Juliette Poe.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Release Blitz and Review: What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner

What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner Release Date: March 29th, 2018 What He Doesn’t Know Duet, book 2 Genre: Contemporary Romance
WHAK cover FINAL_1

Left or right. It’s that simple, and it isn’t simple at all. If I turn left, the road will lead me back to the man I promised my life to, the one I’d imagined building a family with, the one who’s done everything in his power to get me back. If I turn right, the road will take me to the man I loved first, the man who brought me back to life, the man who would do anything to keep me. I knew the fork in the road was inevitable; it was the decision I never wanted to make between choices I didn't know I had. And I love them both. My heart is destined to exist in two equal halves — one with each man. But one half beats stronger, the vein running deepest, and holds my choice in silence long before I know it for myself. The realization of what I have to do, of the heart I have to break, just might break mine too. Left or right. All I have to do is take a breath and turn.
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Well I had a really hard time writing this review, I fell in love with this story in the first book and of course when you fall in love with a story you tend to fall in love with the characters... and this was a love triangle book and sadly the man I thought should have won the show did not... so with a heavy heart I have to give this book a 3.5 stars... this was not the only reason this book bothered me, but I can tell you it was not the writing or any errors in the story line but most likely just personal reasons and things I felt were left unsaid.. I don't want to spoil this for anyone so I will not giveaway my woes. I struggled with the ending because my heart hurt for the man that didn't get chosen, I know some reviews said it didn't matter to them who was chose that the story was beautiful and they loved it.. well I did love it until a certain point... and it does matter who gets chosen if I am being honest. 

This review is not to come off as a bad review because I still love this author and will continue to follow her, but we as a indy community have to be honest and truthful. You become attached to the men... ya know book boyfriends and all that... and you feel that if they don't win then your not winning either and your fantasy was not played out the way you wanted. But I had to base my review as a whole to the story because it was duet and this was just the last piece... so If I had to rate the whole story it would be between a 3.5-4 stars. 

I feel I may have invested my heart a little to much in this story lol. I will say this story will stick with me for a while just like Molly McAdams Taking Chances has stayed with me for years... both for there own reasons but if you read taking chances you got invested and you got invested hardcore. This is the first story since then that I have felt so strongly about a character getting the shaft- may not be the right word to use but it is what came to mind--. So maybe after all this author did what she set out to do.. she made us a story we couldn't forget.. and for that I do have to commend her whole-heartedly. She tends to do that in most of her books and while I was thinking of what to write I had to keep that in mind. 

 I do thank this author for pulling these feelings out of me.. if you could have been a fly on the wall with the conversation I had with my fellow bloggers you would have seen how real passionate I was lol... I look forward to what the future holds for this author.. and maybe my man- yes he is my man now cause he was not claimed in this story- will get an HEA?? One can only hope *wink *wink.

Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.
Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).
When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

Facebook: Twitter: @KandiSteiner 
Stay up to date with Kandi by signing up for her newsletter here: 

Book Blitz: Craving: Loyalty Anthology

Craving: Loyalty
Published by: Crave Publishing LLC
Publication date: March 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Thriller

Noun. ‘A strong feeling of support or allegiance.’
For some, loyalty can be bought. For others, it’s earned. But the thing about loyalty—it can change in an instant. All it takes is one act, one decision, and loyalty shifts to betrayal in the blink of an eye…a sin which cannot go unpunished.
Not in this world.
But sometimes things happen beyond our control, forcing our allegiances to change. Like the mob enforcer who wants nothing more than to seduce the assassin hired to kill him. Or the FBI agent who falls for the woman whose past holds ties with the mafia.
Yet, no matter the reason or motive, the consequences of betrayal are always deadly.
Because in this world everyone is…
Craving Loyalty

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Release Blitz and Review: Come A Little Closer by Kim Karr

Join New York Times Bestselling Author Kim Karr on another emotional journey in Come A Little Closer - NOW AVAILABLE!! FREE with #KindleUnlimited
What happens when bad meets good? Get ready to find out. Only this time the bad isn’t who you think it is. It was a one-night stand, until she forced him to change the rules.

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I haven’t always been this bad… Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist. Pomp and circumstance changed all that. Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination. I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did. He wants to keep me close. I should push him away. He says he can help me. I’m not so sure. For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me. What if he’s wrong? Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around. Everyone knows it’s always the other way. Everyone…except him.
Portrait of a  romantic, young couplePortrait of a  romantic, young couple

I absolutely loved this book. I am not sure if I can pinpoint what exactly makes me love it... perhaps it that was suspense/mystery, the love, or the off the charts hotness. At any rate, once I got into this book, I couldn't put it down.

Sadie Banks hadn't always been bad. She had tried to move on and leave the past behind. But somethings can never stay where they are supposed to belong.

Jaxson Cassidy was supposed to be temporary, a less than 24 hour temporary. But there was something that made her equal parts sin and want to be good.

But Jaxson is determined to help her... and Sadie keeps pushing him away, even though her body wants to keep him close.

I can't tell you anymore because I know I will tell you the whole story. Just know that you need to one click this now - you can thank me later.

I have read quite a few books by this author and each one is always different.. which I believe is a good thing. You have some authors that always have to incorporate something they are known for in there stories, like humor for example.. but Kim Karr just has a way with her stories where you know its her writing but your not comparing it to one she has written prior. This book is no different it was well written, it had just enough steam and a toss of mystery. I really enjoyed this story and would give it a huge 4 stars. It will take you down a curvy path and keep you flipping pages to see what happens next!

Sadie has not led the best of life and when she finds herself without a job she will make the mistake to going back to the town she grew up in... when a tragedy strikes she finds herself running away... and doing things she always said she would never do.. as her story unfolds she meets a man.. a man she has seen before but but only on as a cover model... when she lets passion take the wheels what will come of it when she knows she has a job to do?

Jaxson has finally made a name for himself and is leaving to go on a trip to shoot the swimsuit pictures for sports illustrated, but what he thought was going to be just a job he find himself in a predicament as well...

When secrets start to unfold can these to work through the issues that will arise and come out in the end with and HEA?

Get to one clicking to see what happens you don't want to miss it!

Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga 

Beginner Kim Karr is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life and creating romances that are page worthy. Her stories are raw, real, and explosive. Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel. And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy. From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire to the Football Player. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered businesswoman to the boutique owner. No two storylines are ever alike. If Kim's not writing, you can find her wandering through antique stores with her husband, trying out new fitness classes with her sons, venturing out to new coffee shops with her daughter, or with her nose stuck in a book.