Saturday, February 29, 2020

Book Blitz and Giveaway: A Widow's Tale by Frances Paul

A Widow’s Tale
Frances Paul
Publication date: January 21st 2020
Genres: Adult, Suspense, Thriller

A trained killer. One kill list. A world of hurt.
In this novel, author Frances Paul introduces a complex and driven young lady determined to uncover the truth surrounding the murders of her parents and to bring to justice the people responsible for the cruel act.
Karina Navarre, a Cuban national, lived a life that would be described as anything but easy. After witnessing the brutal murder of her parents, Karina’s life spiraled out of control, until a former KGB officer agreed to take her under his wing and train her.
Eight years later, the girl who has been discarded and forgotten is introduced to the underworld – resilient and ready to take her life back. But when tragedy strikes again, Karina turns into a force to be reckoned with, a woman out for revenge.
Fueled by her grief, Karina sets off on a breathtaking journey of twists and turns, fighting in a world where women are deemed inferior. But she’s determined to avenge the deaths of those she lost, even if that means risking everything including her own life in the process. Karina Navarre has a list, and she’s crossing off names…one by bloody one.
Thrilling, unpredictable, fast-paced, and powered by a grieved widow’s inexorable sense of duty.
New Year’s Eve
Santiago del Estero, Argentina
“This is fantastic, Princesa?”
“Yes, papa. I saved the best for last.”
“I see that.” Carlos much admired his daughter’s painting of their old house in Trelew, Argentina. In front of the house stood Bella, Karina’s dog. A Maltese who passed a year prior. Bella was an old dog, fifteen years old when she passed away. She was part of the Navarre family and played a major role in Karina’s upbringing. She took the death harder than anyone.
“This is your late Christmas and New Year’s present.” Karina explained to her father.
“It was worth the wait.” Carlos carried his ten-year old in his arms and kissed her temple. Gloria Navarre strolled into the living room with two champagne flutes and offered one to her husband.
“You know what we need to do before the clock strikes midnight?”
“What?” Karina looked up at her mom expectantly.
“Share our New Year’s resolutions.”
“What is a New Year’s resolution?” Asked a puzzled Karina, still seated on her father’s lap.
“It’s a promise you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad in the New Year.”
Karina thought to herself for a moment, “I promise to share more.”
“That sounds wonderful.” Gloria grinned.
“…and eat all the veggies you sneak into my meals.” Karina quickly added.
Both Gloria and Carlos laughed.
“Let’s set realistic goals.” Teased Carlos.
“What about you, mama?”
A sudden thud behind the door seized Carlos’s attention. He would have ignored it as nothing more than his paranoia playing tricks on him if a second and much louder thud did not follow the first. He quickly stood, forcing Karina off his lap. He edged toward the windows and the first clue he discovered was the foot of one of his guards sticking out in the hallway.
He instantly paled. Gloria noticing her husband’s predicament, placed her finger to her lips, a sign of silence to Karina. She grabbed her daughter’s shoulders and forced her underneath the sofa.
Bang! The door suddenly swung open. Five men garbed in black and carrying weapons marched in with steady steps. They each had blades tucked inside their belts, except for one. The leader! He stepped away from the group, distancing himself from the masses and demonstrating his authority with self-importance. He wore a tailored dark suit and dark dress shirt. His shoes were polished to a gloss. All five men were dressed sharply, but the leader stood out. Gloria Navarre stood terrified, shuddering with terror behind her husband. Karina sensing danger remained unmoving. The ten-year old knew exactly what to do as she had been rehearsing for years with her mother. Gloria always cautioned her, there are many monsters in the world that’d want to hurt us because of who we are and what we represent and she must be ready when and if that occurred. Though Karina never believed or understood her, she went along with the exercise anyway to pacify her mother’s fears. Be as silent as the grave, her mom had told her. Under no circumstance should you reveal yourself or let the enemy know where you are hiding and tonight she did just that. She couldn’t see the faces of the beasts that invaded their home, but she saw their shoes. Her eyes were fixated on the glossier pair. It stood right in front of her father’s bare feet.
“Carlos Navarre,” a deep voice said, probably from the man with the shiny feet, “this was easier than I thought it’d be.” his cold chortle filled the noiseless room.
“Mrs. Navarre.” his voice was deeply aggrieved.
“Tomas?” her father’s voice responded, “You’ve some nerves storming into my home as if you own me. What is the meaning of this?”
“Ah, be careful now.” The deep voice warned, “It’s a new day. You lost before the battle began. I am taking over your empire and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. Your men, at least those in the building are all gone. You are done, Navarre. If you’re as wise as you have in the past portrayed yourself to be, you’ll be reciting your final prayers, pleading for clemency for your soul before I squeeze this trigger.”
“You traitorous bastard. Tell me, what coerced you to act against the hand that has fed you all these years? You were nothing. I made you and this is how you repay me?”
“You are a weak man, Navarre. You call yourself the boss. The Don.” he said with a slight chuckle, “You are a joke, a phony. We did all your dirty work while you sat on your high horse and collected. I don’t answer to weak men, not anymore.”
“You’ll never survive in our world with this kind of betrayal under your belt. No one will trust you. Think very hard about what you are doing.”
“Oh, I have. See, while you were seated on your throne, filling your belly from our blood and sweat, I was preparing for this defining moment. I’ve looked forward to this day for a very long time.” he crowed with insolence.
“You were always in my home, seated at my table with my family, breaking bread and today you kiss me on my cheek?” Carlos said incredulously.
“You give me too much credit. I am no Judas. You sealed your fate, Carlos. I am just here to ensure your crossover goes smoothly.” he released the safety on the gun and aimed it at Carlos’s head. That was the moment little Karina realized she knew the monster. She thought the voice sounded familiar but her feeble nerves had compromised her brain. It was her father’s good friend, Uncle Tomas, but why’d he do this? She mused.
“This is absurd, Tomas. This is between us. Let my wife go, and we can handle this as men.”
“As you wish.” Tomas said right before a loud ear-piercing sound filled the room. Within seconds, her mother’s eyes were gazing directly at her. Blood streaming down her temple. Her eyes were wide open but appeared lifeless and Karina knew right away that her mother was gone.
A deep agonizing scream from her father erupted through the room.
“There it is. I let her go. Now we handle this as men.” Tomas motioned with his weapon between him and Carlos.
Still staring into her mother’s cold eyes, Karina whimpered in absolute silence. Unceasing tears poured down her face, spilling over her hands. “Mummy?” she mouthed.
“I’ll destroy you, Tomas.” her father said, right before another dreadful sound emitted and just as she feared, his body slumped on top of her mother’s. She shut her eyes for a moment and sharply inhaled.
The monster’s feet hovered over the corpses for a long moment before he spoke again, “Let’s get out of this rubbish dump.”
“How about the kid?” One of his followers said.
Silence filled the room like an invisible cloud as the men pondered over the question. Heavy footsteps suddenly hurried through the room, then ascended the staircase. Slamming of doors and screams erupted from every corner of the building. With both her hands covering her own mouth to suppress a harrowing scream from sliding out, Karina closed her eyes tightly and prayed. Her little heart raced frenziedly. It was so loud, she feared the men left in the room could hear it too. Be as quiet as the grave. Her mother’s voice echoed in her ears.
“She’s just a stupid girl. What can she do?” Tomas finally said. To some degree, he sounded hesitant, even to himself.
“Tomas?” One of his men protested.
“Do you want to put a bullet into a little girl’s heart?” Anger spewed out of him.
There was no response.
“Or perhaps you want to adopt her?”
Still, no response.
“Leave that dirty little thing. She’ll just turn into a whore like the rest of them if she’s not dead within two years.”
“Did you find the sleazeball?” he snarled, referring to Carlos’s best friend and second in command, Savio Cardozo.
“Not yet.”
“Find him. The takeover is not successful until he is put down.”
The frightening sound of additional bullets filled the room as he shot extra holes into her father to certify his demise.
After some time, the footsteps receded, and she cautiously dragged her body forward to gain a full length view of the monster who destroyed her entire life in one night before he exited the room. Disheartened, she broke down into hysterical tears when she established, it was indeed, Uncle Tomas.
Leuven, Belgium
Present Day
A serene night. The stars shone brightly like diamonds. The full moon hung low, illuminating the path, and casting a glow along her vision as she peered through the night vision scope of Ruby, her sniper rifle. Designed to travel as far as 1.25 miles (2.01 km) to her intended target with no hitches. Tonight, her position from the fat bastard she was contracted forty-eight hours earlier to put down like a sick dog was close to two thousand yards. She sighed, savoring the tranquil moment of the gentle winds blowing through her hair and calming the adrenaline rushing through her veins.
She lived for moments like these. The moment the bullet from her rifle travels undetected through the quiet night and lodges itself at home in the heart or brain. Her reputation to date was unimpeachable. She was considered a Grade A sniper, and listed amongst the top ten of the world’s best snipers. She had no knowledge the true identities of her superiors, or acquainted with their location, nor did she care to know. Her job was to eliminate. Plain and simple. An app was installed on a distinctive phone given to her by the agency, where she received notifications when awarded with a contract. The app was designed to disappear from the phone once a contract has been fulfilled. The details provided were typically the name of the target, location and contract amount, no negotiations. Not that she ever had the need to negotiate. She got paid more than she cared to admit, besides, she hardly needed the money. She hadn’t received a notification in six months. Ruby, her rifle grew restless and so did she. Twice a week during those excruciating six months, she’d dismantle her then put her back together. She repeated the practice daily without breaking a sweat.
Tonight’s kill was greatly required to quench her thirsty dark soul.
In a prone position, lying flat on her stomach with both legs spread apart, her left hand rested casually on the biceps of the right, while her right finger hovered over the trigger. Soft winds whistled in her ears and she heeded attentively. Ruby’s trajectory data was set to its precise setting, and she was anxious to squeeze the trigger her index finger was keenly massaging.
Three black Alfa Romeo SUVs pulled up seconds later. Three men in suits simultaneously jumped down from each vehicle before the target exited the vehicle in the middle. He slickly buttoned his suit jacket, scarcely turning his head to the left. She squeezed the trigger and listened as the bullet traveled in the silence of the night through the calming winds at 1,700 miles (2,735.88 km) per hour. It sliced through the center of his forehead within 2.12 seconds. Bullseye!
In just under three minutes, she’d detached the scope and packed Ruby carefully into its case. Just as she jumped into the backseat of the waiting car that was to transport her to an airstrip to board a private jet, her cellphone vibrated inside the pocket of her jacket. She discarded the red leather gloves shielding her hands from the bitter cold and fetched it. Caller unknown, it read.
“Yes?” she answered with a bit of irritation in her voice.
“It’s Savio.” he said, his tone was grimmer than courteous.
“Why are you calling from an unknown number?” she questioned.
“Are you on your way back home?” he countered her question with another.
“What’s going on?” she repeated the pattern.
He remained silent but his heavy breathing could be heard at the end of the line.
“Savio?” she called, growing impatient. After every kill, she performed a ritual. And that was to sit in silence, meditating for a few seconds and patting herself on the back for a job well done. This ill-timed call hindered with her sacramental process.
“Hurry back. We have a problem.” he cautioned.
“Just spit it out?” she had nothing but ultimate respect for Savio, her father-in-law and late father’s best friend but at this moment, his interruption irritated the energized heartbeat she earned from the excitement she just encountered.
“It’s Thian.”
“What about him?”
“He’s dead!” he whimpered, “Do you hear me? They took my boy.” his voice came in a broken growl.
Her hands fell in her lap. The sudden motion caused the phone to fall and disappear under the front seat. Her stare remained at the back of the headrest in sheer dismay. Her mind bizarrely rid of any thoughts.
“We are here, Ms. Navarre.” Karina heard the indistinct voice of her chauffeur.
She looked up and offered him a blank stare. No idea how long she had been stuck in that stupor state. She assumed a lengthy amount of time as the mileage between her last position and the hangar was just about 40.2 kilometers. Adding up to twenty minutes of oblivion. She gathered her bearings and stepped out of the car, grabbing Ruby from the seat beside her.
The pilot bobbed his head at her as she ascended the airstair toward him but received nothing in return. Once settled in her seat, she stared out the window in silence until the plane was safely in the air. She heaved a silent sigh and stiffened her stance. The nerves in her neck coiled, pulling every vein connecting her inner organs. Her skin inflamed with rage as her body temperature climbed at a reckless rate. She waved away the hostess who approached her with a glass of champagne. BBC news blared through the television hanging from the overhead.
BREAKING NEWS Petrak Novak, former Czech Prime Minister was assassinated at 21:48 at the front entrance of the Park Inn Hotel where he had been staying for the past two days. No report on whether he was on official duty or a private visit. The Belgian Federal Police team are actively engaged in the hunt for the assassin who might still be in the district. Road blocks have been placed all over the city as the manhunt continues. We will keep you informed as we receive more information on this cowardly act.
Born and raised in Accra, Ghana and now living in Cincinnati, Ohio. A banker, wife and mother of two amazing kids. She finds writing to be a great passion of hers and a path she was born to follow. She began by writing short stories at a young age. Now, she has four published books and working on a few more projects. She's a crazy tea lover, loves to travel, eat, and enjoys learning about different cultures. Authors she is inspired by are Sidney Sheldon, Nora Roberts and Jeffrey Archer. Hope you enjoy her books as greatly as she enjoyed producing them.


Book Blitz and Giveaway: Reaper Academy by Allison West

Reaper Academy
Allison West
Publication date: February 20th 2020
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

The professor should be off-limits. But he’s hot. And I’m a bad girl. Lucky for me, he doesn’t play by the rules. Neither do I.
I used to be a princess; that was before I was murdered.
The reaper who took my soul. He’s my professor. And, well, the experience of taking a soul is quite… pleasurable. He wants me. I crave him. It’s against the rules, but do either of us care?
Publisher’s Note: This paranormal thriller contains graphic scenes.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Was he really going to spank her? Spankings were for children. Leila was an adult. Hell, she was dead and was a grim reaper. Is this how they kept each other in line and from breaking the rules?
She hadn’t budged an inch.
“If I have to put you over my knee, it will double your allotment of spankings.”
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and the room sweltered. Was it hot in here or was it just her? “Please, Wynter. I promise I won’t do it again.”
“You’re right, you won’t. I’m going to teach you right from wrong, my little Leila. Good girls listen and do as they’re told. Bad girls face a wrath of punishments. Spankings, my little Leila, are just the beginning.”
“Wynter, what if Emblyn or Violetta come out from their room?” She did not wish to see her grim reaper friends pay witness to her punishment. Leila didn’t dare ask whether Wynter or Jasper dished out such discipline to the other girls on occasion.
He merely shrugged and reached for Leila as she had yet to come closer. His strong grip pulled her down over and across his knee, lifting her dress to reveal her panties underneath.
“These are of no use right now,” he said, using one hand to slide the undergarments down her thighs and to her feet.
She felt humiliated being bent over his lap. He could see her bottom and possibly even her cunny as it began to throb with a ferocious intensity. How was being in this position, exposed and vulnerable, arousing her? Perhaps it had to do more with it being Wynter, taking control, disciplining her.
Without warning, his hand came down, spanking her plush bottom, forcing her to jump and her cheeks to clench with a hiss. The pain stung right through to her lips down below, forcing a further ache and wetness to seep out uncontrollably. With her face bent down to the ground, she was grateful she didn’t have to look at him.
Allison West is a #1 International Best-Selling Author in Erotica, BDSM, Romantic Erotica, Sci-Fi, Victorian, and Historical Erotica. She also writes young adult novels under the name Ruth Silver.
Allison West has been inventing worlds and writing stories for years. Her favorite novels are those that leave a lasting impression, long after the final page is read. You can find more about Allison on Facebook, Twitter, and her blog "Spanking Author."


Book Blitz and Giveaway: The Third Call by Lorhainne Eckhart

The Third Call
Lorhainne Eckhart
(The O’Connells, #2)
Publication date: February 29th 2020
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Deputy Marcus O’Connell is blindsided one night after a series of calls comes in from an unknown number, and the caller on the other end is a child. All he knows is she’s six years old, her name is Eva, and there’s someone in her house who wants to hurt her. 
Marcus is the ultimate bad boy turned deputy. He knows everything about how to get away with something, considering he was one of the middle of the six O’Connell siblings. He never had responsibility resting on his shoulders like his brother Owen, and he’s never been the center of attention like his little sister, Suzanne. Marcus knows how to find trouble and talk his way out of it. 
Now, as the head deputy for the Livingston sheriff’s office, he knows everything about everybody, and no one can pull anything over on him. It’s why he’s such a damn good deputy. But even Marcus dreads what cops know as the third call. 
When Marcus takes the call the first time, he thinks it’s a prank. The second time, he knows there’s a problem. The third time the call comes in and is patched through to him, he knows it’s something he can’t ignore. The only thing is, the girl is terrified and keeps hanging up, and Marcus knows someone is in the house with her. 
Where are her parents, and who is this mysterious girl who needs his help?

Marcus shut his eyes, that sick feeling welling in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to vomit. Kids and animals were the most vulnerable. As he opened his eyes, he took in Tommy, who was staring at the gun on the counter. He felt such empathy and fury at the same time, considering it wasn’t so black and white after all.
With flawed strong characters, characters you can relate to, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Lorhainne Eckhart writes the kind of books she wants to read. She is frequently a Top 100 bestselling author in multiple genres, and her second book ever published, The Forgotten Child, is no exception. With close to 900 reviews on Amazon, translated into German and French, this book was such a hit that the long running Friessen Family series was born. Now with over sixty titles and multiple series under her belt her big family romance series are loved by fans worldwide. A recipient of the 2013, 2015 and 2016 Readers' Favorite Award for Suspense and Romance, Lorhainne lives on the sunny west-coast Gulf Island of Salt Spring Island, is the mother of three, her oldest has autism and she is an advocate for never giving up on your dreams.


Friday, February 28, 2020

Sneak Peek: Beefcakes by Katana Collins

Things are about to get sticky... 
Beefcakes, an all-new hilarious, second-chance standalone romance from Katana Collins, is coming March 24th and we have the FIRST sneak peek! 
I might as well permanently add the label "Ex" to my name. I'm an Ex-Mr. Universe. Ex-Mr. Olympus. An Ex-Hollywood Stuntman. But no one from my small hometown cares anything about that. They only care that I'm the ex-boyfriend to the beloved Mayor's daughter, Elaina Dyker.

And now, ten years later, I'm back, helping my siblings run my mother's bakery while she takes on chemo. What should have been a routine cupcake delivery turns into utter chaos when the bachelorette party thinks I'm a stripper. And what's worse? Elaina is the maid of honor.

But the meme about us sure went viral fast. My small hometown has become positively infested with tipsy bridesmaids looking for my erotic cupcakes.

Now Hollywood's knocking again—and this time they want me and my ex, Mr. Beefcake and Ms. Prude, to star in a reality show.

It could solve all my problems—except her.
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I arched my brow at her. “I bragged about knowing you so well…but man. I did not see this almond croissant massacre coming. What do you have against almonds? Or was it the amount of butter that offended you? Because as a fitness expert, let me tell you butter isn’t the enemy. Sugar is the enemy.”

She laughed. “I, uh…I might have some anger management issues.”

I took the bag from her and peeked in. There were knuckle marks against the outside of the croissant. Literal knuckle marks. I barked a laugh. “Elaina Dyker. Did you punch the croissant?”

She laughed, pressing her lips together as though this would hide the fact that I saw her adorable little giggle. She brought her thumb and forefinger up beside her temple. “Maybe a little.”“Did you even try a bite?”

She shook her head no. “I like my routine. I like my daily lunch of yogurt and almonds.”

I made a face. Because she had to be exaggerating. Sure…she liked them. But having that same thing every day? Even chocolate cake every day would get tedious. “You can like yogurt and almonds but still indulge every now and then, you know.” I reached in and pinched off a piece of the smashed croissant, holding it out toward her lips. “C’mon. Live a little. I promise you, it is actually healthy, if that’s your concern.” Not that she needed to be concerned about that. “Almond flour. Gluten free. Grain free. Only two net carbs. The only sugar is the honey in the honey roasted almonds and the natural sugar in dates.” Her eyes grew wide at that and I knew I had hooked her.

She reached out her hand to take the piece of croissant from me, but I pulled back. “Nuh-uh,” I teased. “We can’t have your fingers getting sticky. Might ruin that fancy suit you’re wearing.”

She rolled her eyes, but parted her wet lips, her tongue peeking out just enough for me to place the croissant on top of. She moaned as soon as it hit her mouth, and her eyes fell closed as she slowly chewed and swallowed. “That’s…that’s healthy?”

I nodded. “See? I’m not just a pile of muscles. I’ve got some talent, too.”

Her head fell to the side. “I never said you weren’t talented. I just wish you wouldn’t show off quite so much of your other assets.”

I grinned. “I thought you liked my assets?”

“I do,” she answered absentmindedly, then immediately shook her head, realizing what she’d said. “I mean, I did.”

As an author and a story-teller, it is the lifeblood to which my ideas take flight. And I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Occasionally someone (ie – my husband) will try to secretly switch out my beloved regular coffee for decaf. I always know the difference. ALWAYS (I’m looking at you, SEAN).

I am incapable of achieving the perfect ponytail. I’m dyslexic. I can never wear white without spilling on myself. And I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice (gasp!).

When I was younger and stole my mother’s Harlequins to read beneath the covers with a flashlight (seriously, did we ALL do this? I think we did.), I wanted to read about the tough as nails heroine. The perfectly imperfect girl with quirks and attitude and sass. And the anti-heroes who were anything but “Prince Charming.” Forget the knight on a white horse… give me the bad boy on a motorcycle.

So, now, I write those romance novels I craved to see on the shelves all those years ago—the sassy heroines. The badass heroes. I spend my days in the throes of my imagination, and am loving every minute of it. I can travel anywhere and become anyone I want to be. One day, I’m a mechanic in Boston and the next, I’m a vampire stripping in Las Vegas.

Since penning my first novel back in 2012, I’m now an international author with 15 published books, in a wide range of contemporary romance genres–(Paranormal, New Adult, Small town, Erotic Suspense… you name it!).

After living for a decade in Brooklyn, NY, I took the plunge and moved to beautiful (although kinda chilly) Portland, Maine. I now live full time in ‘Vacationland’ with a kind of mean cat, a mellow chihuahua, and a very NOT mellow lab-pittie mix. Oh, yeah… there’s a husband who draws comics somewhere in that mix, too. I can usually be found in a coffee shop with my nose in my laptop wearing fabulous (albeit sometimes impractical) shoes.

I love connecting with readers and fellow sassy storytellers, so feel free to drop me an email at or connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@katanacollins). You can find a list of my available books over on my Bookshelf or if you’ve already read a book, it would make my day if you wrote a review!

Threats, complaints, and criticisms should go to

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Post Release Boost: Ever After by Cara Wade

°° ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕥 °°
Ever After: A Dark Suspenseful Romance by Cara Wade
𝐀 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭.

All of it tied to me—Finley Grier.

Taken against my will and forced into a world unlike any I’ve ever experienced before, I begin to question everything I thought I knew about myself.

I’m torn between fear and desire, right and wrong, pain and pleasure. My body betraying what my mind knows is wrong.

And now, the one person I know can save me, is also the last person I ever wanted to see again—Detective Grayson Bowers.
AUTHOR NOTE: This book contains scenes about sex trafficking and forced intercourse. This book is for mature audiences.
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Praise for Ever After

“Ever After is a brilliant read. It’s my first but definitely not my last read from this author as it was so good. The author hooks you in straight away and keeps your attention throughout. I started this of an evening and as soon as I woke up I was finishing the story. You can see how well the author did her research.
There are triggers warnings with this book but if you’re like me and you love dark reads then you’ll love this story.
I’m really hoping this author writes more dark as this was fantastic” - Goodreads Reviewer
“This is one of the best books I have read. I didn't expect this type of a story from this author. I have read her books before and this one is much different than the others I have read. This story is very dark. I felt as if I was in the room with the main character Finley the whole time she went through her troubles. I don't want to give too much away about the story, so I don't want to say too much about what she goes through. Cara does a great job explaining what is going on in this underworld, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. I'm not the type of person who reads a book in one sitting, but I could not put this book down. It was well worth staying up late to finish this book. I can not rave enough about how good this book is. Cara has taken a subject matter which is not easy to write about and has made it very descriptive. I would recommend this book to anyone.” - Goodreads Reviewer
Twitter - @author_carawade
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Release Blitz: Love and Deception by Colbie Kay

Series: Beautifully Twisted, Book One
Author: Colbie Kay
Designer: T.E. Black with T.E. Black Designs
Photographer: Gigi Hoggard, Gigi Photography Studios
Model: Cristina Evans Maine 
Release Date: February 28, 2020 
Genre: MC/Contemporary/Suspense Romance, Love Triangle
For as long as I can remember I've had this plan, a goal to become number one in the PBR. I've never let anything or anyone come between me and my dream until that one weekend I had with Sonya Collins. Now, I'm wondering what's more important love or those eight seconds?

Sonya "Shug" Collins 
I've always known my place within the M.C. world with the Satan's Sinners, I'm a club whore, it's who I am and all I'll ever be to them. I want more. I don't fantasize about becoming an Ol' Lady. My dream is to escape the life I was born into. What's stopping me? I owe the club and Hanger and until that debt is paid I'm stuck. Or so I thought until that one weekend with Cody Sterling, the bull rider that rode into town and showed me what love could really be like. 

I'm in love with Shug and she can't even see it. I thought one day she'd open those pretty amber eyes and realize what was in front of her, but Shug's hate for my world runs deep. I watched as he drove away leaving her standing there crying. I'll pick up the pieces that he broke and put her back together. Maybe then she'll love me too.
Amazon US: 

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All Others: 
Satan’s Sinners MC Series 
City Lights 
Quiet Country 
Night Sky 
Returning Home 
Changing Lanes 
Runaway Love 
Finding Hope 
Fate's Falling 
Tink's Salvation 
Fighting Demon 

The Betrayed (A Rocker Series) 
Saving Dawson with novella Saving Grace 
Surviving Colton 

Georgia Peaches Series 
(Co-Written with Chianti Summers)
Sweet Southern Secrets 
Sweet Southern Satisfaction 
Sweet Southern Summer 

Cobras MC Series 
Double Crossed 

Scentsations Series: 
Lily: Book 4 

Assassin's Love Series 
Tainted Souls 
Tormented Souls (coming soon) 

Standalone Books
Wishing in the Dark 
Colbie Kay always had a love for reading and wanted to pursue writing. In 2015 she made that dream come true when she published her first book. Since then she has become a stay-at-home mom, writing full-time and bringing her passion to life through the words she creates.

The most fulfilling part of being an author for Colbie is to take readers into a fantasy world between the pages of her books. Becoming an author has also given her the opportunity to fill another passion of hers, which is traveling. She loves being able to attend book signings and meeting everyone that shares her love of books.

Colbie has many more stories to share with you, so be sure to connect with her and keep up with what is coming next.




Colbie Kay’s Rebel Readers: 




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