Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blog Tour: Fractured Fairy Tales Charity Anthology

Designer: Wicked by Designs
Release Date: March 17, 2020
Benefiting Make-A-Wish Foundation

Once upon a time…Happily ever after…all of the fairytales we know and love begin and end the same, but what if they were altered? Fractured? Would the magic still happen? Does that happy ending still come at the stroke of midnight or with a kiss?

Join this group of SaSSy authors as they take you on a journey, weaving their own magic and putting a spin on the fairytales we all know and love to support Make-A-Wish Foundation.

21 authors, 17 stories, 2 poems…Hurry, this collection is only here for a limited time.
** MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION creates life-changing wishes for children with a critical illness who have reached the age of 2½ and are younger than 18 at the time of referral.

**Anthology will only be available collectively in Ebook. Each story will be available individually from the author in paperback. Stories range from 8k to 67k in length.

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This is an amazing collection of stories, and the anthology benefits Make-A-Wish Foundation! With stories ranging from short to full-length novels, and genres all over the spectrum, everyone can find something that will call out to them in this book. Romance genres include suspense, contemporary, MM, FF, PNR, historical, medical, enemies to lovers, and so much more!

I've enjoyed all of the stories and can't wait to see if some of the shorter stories are given sequels or turned into full-length novels. I highly recommend this collection and give it 5 stars!!

Amy Marie
Lexi C Foss and Cora Kenborn
Maria Vickers
Samatha Harris
Erin Lee
Jennifer Allen
Julie Morgan
Kira Nyte
Sidonia Rose
Cee Marie
Morgan and Jennifer Locklear
Carolyn LaRoche
CG Burnette
ME Montgomery
Abigail Lee Justice
Kiki Malone
Lora Logan
Ava Harper Kent
Julie Mishler
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To get your tickets to SaSS 2020 (July 9-12),
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Blog Tour, Review, and Giveaway: Thicker Than Water by Becca Seymour

"Ready for some non-stop action, a good story, a creative plot, and some amazing characters? You need to read Thicker than Water by Becca Seymour." - M Vickers
Outcast operative in the Supernatural Investigation & Crime Bureau (SICB) Callen Blackheath finds himself doing what he does best: defying orders and giving his boss a headache in the thick of an operation he shouldn’t be in. And there’s no way he’s walking away, not when the investigation has become deadly personal.

Needing to protect the only family member he has left, this wolf shifter will do whatever it takes to stop the blood farms and destroy the dangerous drugs the vampires will kill for. But he doesn’t expect Liam “Thatch” Thatcher, the head of a special task force team, to receive a bite that pulls him into the centre of Callen’s world.

Bonded by memories and blood, together they navigate the operation that has wider reaches than they could ever imagine. And when it comes to matters of the heart, Callen knows in order to win, he needs to risk it all.
Heat rippled over my skin. The singed scent of hair clogged my ability to track the way out, leaving me momentarily cursing my stubbornness for going this alone. My boss would never let me live it down if I got myself charred to a crisp or killed. At least the latter would mean I wouldn’t have to listen to his pompous spiel about following protocol. The dick had it out for me. He had since I’d joined this team three years ago, and despite my success rate on missions, he hadn’t taken kindly to the son of the Blackheath alpha joining the Supernatural Investigation & Crime Bureau.

Creaking beams followed by the crash of timber had me blinking hard against the blackening smoke. There had to be a way out. While Brent, my division leader, thought I was foolhardy—or perhaps simply a fool—I had studied the schematics of the lab prior to entering. What I hadn’t planned for was Jonas Cartwright to set the damn thing on fire with me in it.
Focussed on pushing my senses beyond the sound of the licking fire and groaning foundations, I closed my eyes, hoping for a ripple, something, anything that would get me out of this situation. Two beats, three, four… but nothing. I could either stay planted, hoping a miracle would happen, or I could act. Neither seemed like a smart move but staying put and being roasted was not an option. The raw heat travelling up my arms, removing my hairs along the way, cried out for my retreat.

Action it was.

In barely a split second, my eyes shifted. While the heightened sight wouldn’t help with the smoke, the electricity had been tripped by the fire, and I needed all the help I could get.

I cursed up a storm in my head as I raced the way I’d come. With a leap over a toppled cabinet, a swerve away from the licks of fire trailing along workstation dividers, I swore the whole time I would find Cartwright and put him to ground once and for all. The way ahead was blocked, and no barrelling through would solve that. I screeched to a stop. “Shit.” I looked left and right, thinking hard about the drawings I’d glanced at ten seconds before entering the lab. Screw Brent and his demands for being well-prepared. I had no doubt my name, Callen, was already a regular curse from him. This would simply give him more ammunition. It was better than him seething my surname, Blackheath, I supposed, but still, ten seconds of my eyes roaming over the layout was as good as studying in my world.
Before I could figure out my next move, a small scrape of metal to my left had me turning in that direction. I seriously hoped I wasn’t racing towards more flames, but the sound was distinctive, controlled.

On reaching a hallway I didn’t recognise, I stumbled. “What the hell?” At the end of the darkened hallway was a glass door. While smoke spiralled through the space, it wasn’t as black, the fire not yet having reached the area. I crouched low to avoid the white smoke, my eyes focussed on the hand scratching against the glass door. Blood smeared with every gentle swipe, the movement slowing down.

No one was supposed to be here. Ignoring the fact that Cartwright had blown my half-arsed recon out of the window and taken me by surprise, there seriously shouldn’t have been anyone else on site. An unfamiliar edge of panic flared to life in my chest. This was not good.

I charged towards the glass, stopping short of barrelling into it to try the handle. It wouldn’t have been the first time I’d broken down a door unnecessarily. I didn’t want to crash through a glass door unless I had to. While I healed quickly, shards of glass cutting through my skin still hurt something fierce.

Testing the handle with one hand, I hit the glass lower down, trying to get the attention of the person attempting to get out. Their bloody hand peeking out a white lab coat twitched at the loud thud. “Shit,” I grumbled. The door was locked. “Hey.” I beat against the glass panel harder. It was partially misted for privacy, and visibility was unclear. Unable to tell who was on the other side or whether the smoke had breached the room from another direction, for once, I considered my options.

“Hey.” I tried again, my hand smacking the glass harder, not yet intending to break through. “Can you hear me?” Steadying my breath took concentration, but I needed to listen carefully.

“Code.” The voice was gravelly. “P-Panel.”
I searched quickly and found a panel off to my right. “I need the code.” Each word came out calm and clear. Panicking now could possibly get us both killed.

“Five.” A cough wracked through him, loud and sounding painful. I squinted, wondering what the hell this guy had been through. “Two. Seven. Seven. Four. Nine.”

I hit the numbers as he said them.

“Hash,” he finished, and the door clicked, swinging open when the guy fell against it. He landed on the floor.

Unconscious at my feet, the man was sprawled on his front. I tugged him to the side. With no idea where we were, I couldn’t simply throw the guy over my shoulder and start charging around, hitting dead ends and burning doors wherever we went. Decision made, I cast a quick glance at the man. Wet blood covered his rich black skin, but his moving chest indicated he was breathing. Barely. Christ, I hoped he didn’t die on me. After a final glance, I rushed into the unlocked room. Just because it had been sealed from the inside didn’t mean I wouldn’t be able to get through another exit.

A door on the opposite side of the room was my target. I headed straight there, spotting vials and another room off to my right. Before I reached the exit, the scent hit me. Blood, and it wasn’t from the unconscious lab tech in the hallway. I took a tentative step in the direction the scent came from, bile already churning in my gut.

No. It couldn’t be.

Another step forward, and I held my breath, not wanting to believe it could be true.

Wide-eyed, I gasped for breath, then regretted the action immediately. Metallic, familiar, and dead. The combination of the three threatened to buckle my knees. Unable to look away, I stared hard, hating every second. But I had to do this. Flesh, torn muscle, mutilated claws; the image seared itself into my mind. Once there, a shockwave of pain ripped through me.


This time I let my knees go and landed on the floor, my knee finding the blood the same shade of my own. It was her. Hazel. My baby sister.
Ready for some non-stop action, a good story, a creative plot, and some amazing characters? You need to read Thicker than Water by Becca Seymour. Callen and Thatcher were interesting, and while I enjoyed them alone, I really loved them together. They drove the story, but the plot was great too!!

The book is really good and had me turning the page and getting lost in the words from the beginning. I feel like we have a lot more to learn, or if it wasn't on purpose, we are missing information and need more background. I highly recommend this book though and give it 4 stars. One-click today!
Becca Seymour lives and breathes all things book related. Usually with at least three books being read and two WiPs being written at the same time, life is merrily hectic. She tends to do nothing by halves so happily seeks the craziness and busyness life offers.

Living on her small property in Queensland with her human family as well as her animal family of cows, chooks, and dogs, Becca appreciates the beauty of the world around her and is a believer that love truly is love.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Bet On Love by A.F. Zoelle

Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Bet On Love by A. F. Zoelle
I went to Las Vegas to marry my fiancée but ended up married to my best man instead. Considering I’m straight, I never imagined I would wake up in bed with a husband. We obviously need to get an annulment to undo our mistake. The only problem is, it turns out my feelings for my best friend Luci aren't quite as platonic as I thought.
What are the odds that my bad idea ends up being the best thing to ever happen to us?
After Rhys and I secretly shared our first kiss as teenagers, I spent years suppressing my confusing feelings for him. But now that he’s my husband, it exposes the truth about the depths of my love for my best friend.
Could I really be lucky enough that he feels the same way about me?
Bet on Love is the first book in the Good Bad Idea series. This novella features a friends to lovers second chance romance. Full of cute sweetness and sexy fun, every story ends with a satisfying HEA and no cliffhangers. Each book can be read as a standalone or as part of the series in order.
Chapter 2: Rhys Huntington
I got flustered by the sight of the sheets dipping low on Luci’s hips, his dark hair falling in front of his handsome face. It was a rare treat for me to see him without his glasses on, but it really wasn’t the right time to appreciate that my best friend was attractive.
When he rubbed his eyes, my stomach lurched at the sight of Olivia's wedding ring of two alternating rows of round and baguette diamonds on his ring finger. He had always hated how feminine his long, slim fingers were, and being nearly the same size as Olivia’s annoyed him almost as much as she resented it. I secretly thought his hands were beautifully elegant like a pianist’s, but the presence of my fiancée’s ring set off my rising panic. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
His bleary gaze focused on me with an effort. “Wait, why are you naked?”
“Why are you naked?” Another surge of foreboding flooded through me as a memory of Luci's hands running down my bare spine to cup my ass flickered in my mind. “Lucien, what the fuck did we do last night?” I had progressed to freaking out, because I only used his full name when I was scared or serious.
Eyebrows drawing together in thought, he answered in a questioning tone, “We were celebrating your marriage?”
I was unprepared for being blindsided by remembering kissing Luci at the altar. To stop everything from spinning out, I pressed my palm my forehead to steady myself. “Please tell me we didn’t do what I think we did.”
His blue eyes were full of confusion as he looked at my wedding band, then lifted his hand to see he was wearing Olivia’s. He squinted at it before fumbling for his glasses on the nightstand. After a long look, his voice trembled when he said, “I don’t think I can.”
Sweet, romantic, a little tense at times, with some funny moments thrown in. Bet On Love is a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed. Rhys is getting married, but is it for the right reasons? His best friend Lucian, aka Luci, doesn't want it to happy, but why? In a chain of drunken and not so drunken events, they end up married, the wedding is canceled, but that isn't the end to the stories. I loved the characters, and while the theme isn't the most original, it was a fun and great read with a good storyline. One of my fave parts was telling everyone of their nuptials. Trust me, read this book to find out what I'm talking about. 4 stars and I recommend you one-click today!
To celebrate A. F. Zoelle's release, we are giving away 3 eBooks copies of Bet On Love!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A lifelong storyteller, writing has always been A.F. Zoelle’s greatest passion. When she’s not writing about gorgeous men being sexy and in love, she enjoys procrastinating on her studies and numerous side hustles to indulge in Japanese musical theatre. She looks forward to renouncing her nomadic scholarly life someday soon so she can have Ragdoll cats to come home to instead of just dust bunnies.

For real time updates on her writing progress, please follow her on Twitter. You can also follow her on Facebook or sign up below for her newsletter announcements about her latest releases and get access to monthly previews of upcoming books, deleted scenes, and works in progress.