Saturday, July 31, 2021

Book Blitz: To Hold A Rancher's Hand by Kadi James


To Hold A Rancher’s Hand
Kadi James
Publication date: July 27th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Rafe is a volunteer fireman who is sworn to protect his ranch and town. Gail has just lost everything to the devastating fire that destroyed her home. Will these two be able to heal their scars and find new love and happiness?

After the trauma of war, rancher Rafe comes home to help his community as a volunteer fireman while trying to find balance in civilian life. He must carry the mantle of his family, who have been Guardians of Coyote Valley for generations. Now its up to Gabe to protect the town from the fires that ravage the national forests around Coyote Valley. But as he gives his all to the community, he often forgets to take care of his own heart.

Loner Gail has just lost everything to the devastating fire that destroyed her home. When the handsome rancher who saved her offers to let her stay at his place, it seems like the perfect solution. Until she remembers she doesn’t really like living with people. It’s why she was living up on top of the mountain in the first place.

“You’ve been back a couple years.” Javier sipped his coffee as he gazed pensively at his former ward. “I think you’ve got a better handle on it than you let on. But it’s alright. I’d rather you take it at your pace and maybe think about settling down.”

“Settle down?” Rafe couldn’t stifle his laughter. “With what? All I ever see are the sheep and dogs.”

“Well, you’re always pent up in this house.” Javier motioned to encompass the kitchen and the rest of Rafe’s home.

“I spend fifteen hours a day working out on the ranch.” Rafe chided, sliding his breakfast onto the plate. “I’d hardly call that pent up in the house. You know I’ve never had much luck with women.”

“It’s only because you don’t actually ask any of them out,” Javier said with a chuckle.

“I just haven’t met a woman who, well, a woman who made sense to me.” Gabriel took a big bite of his toast and egg.

“Maybe you need to rethink how you make sense to other people.” Javier stood up to wash out his coffee mug. “Maybe it’s the way you’re looking at it.”

“I’ve never even had a girlfriend,” Rafe said. “That is as awkward as they come.”

“Well, it’s hard to have a girlfriend when you’re in the military. But I was married when I was 21. You know you need a support system to get you through some of these things in life that you’re going to face.” Javier placed his cup in the drying rack.

“I can’t imagine facing worse than I have.” Rafe took another bite.

“I pray you don’t,” Javier said. “But whatever you face, a wife sure helps with that. Martha is the only reason I was able to make it through when your parents died. Here I was all of a sudden responsible for a whole ranch and a small, grieving child.”

“Well, I don’t have a child to take care of.” Rafe shrugged as he finished his breakfast.

“No. You’re going to have a hundred children to take care of as soon as these ewes start lambing.” Javier laughed and drained his coffee.

Rafe was just rinsing his plate when a loud static sound filled the air. A dispatcher’s voice called out over the radio. “Report of a half-acre in the grass, moderate rate of spread. Coyote Valley vegetation fire…Cow Mountain Road near mile post 12.38. Command 8. Tactical 2. First at scene will establish roadway IC. Stand by for check back on command 8.”

Gabriel and Javier exchanged a look. “That’s on North Ridge.” Gabriel left his plate in the sink and headed to the entry hall to grab his gear.

“All volunteers report to base,” the dispatcher continued. “Fire house 13 we have a report of a blaze starting up on Cow Mountain we need all hands to the fire department please including the volunteers we need as much help as we possibly can get. There’s a fire on Cow Mountain heading south.”

Javier squinted out the window and the trees swaying in the wind. “There are a few houses up on North Ridge. It’ll get to those first.”

“People living up there, still?” Rafe hoisted his web gear onto his shoulder and slung his boots and helmet up in his other hand.

“Yeah, I think there are about five houses up there,” Javier said, pulling out his phone and preparing a group text. “I’ll get the guys together.”

“I’ll head to the houses. It’s probably near where the fire started.” Rafe nodded to Javier who pulled the door open for him. “It’s not like there was a lightning storm going on.”

“You get what you need to get done,” Javier said. “I’ll send the boys up the mountain as soon as I can.”

“We’re going to need all the hands we can get,” Rafe threw his gear in the back of the truck and tipped his hat to Javier. “If the wind is blowing south, the fire will be headed straight to us.”

Kadi James was raised on a ranch in Northern California riding horses, writing stories, and waiting for true love to happen. Her passion for storytelling took her around the world to experience global cultures, history, and mythology, always looking for the similarities rather than the differences. After years overseas, country roads brought her back home again and she returned to California, her family, and the ranch where she grew up. Today she writes Sweet Ranch Romance that touches reader's hearts by reminding them of the simple things that really matter in life; family, kindness, and

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Book Blitz: The Enemy in My Bed by L.K. Shaw


The Enemy in My Bed
L.K. Shaw
(Brooklyn Kings, #2)
Publication date: July 27th 2021
Genres: Adult, Mafia, Romance


The Russians have taken far too much from me. So I’ll take something of theirs. Except, I never expected my captive to be a woman. She could be the key to destroying them entirely. I’ll do whatever it takes to get revenge. Even seduce the enemy.

Soon I discover she may not be my enemy after all.


For nearly my entire life I’ve been held prisoner by darkness and pain. And just when I think freedom is within my reach, it’s stolen by yet another man determined to break me. First with rage. Then with tenderness.

I’m helpless to resist his touch, even knowing that, in the end, all that waits for me is death.

Author’s Note: There is no cheating in this book.


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“If you won’t talk about what happened last night, then why don’t you tell me how you got these?”

I stiffen and try to move away at the feel of Pierce’s fingers tracing the scars along my back. He only tightens his grip around my waist. With every question, it’s as though he’s flaying me alive. Perhaps that’s his intent.

“They were given to me by a man named Maksim.” I give in, because I don’t have it in me to fight. Not tonight. He’s chipped away at too much.

Pierce continues touching each one, as though memorizing them. “That didn’t answer my question. I want to know how you got them.”

I close my eyes against the painful memories. He isn’t going to let this go. “I got them by fighting back. By refusing to beg. I got them as a reminder. So I never forget who I am, which is no one. I got them because I was weak.”

“Mila,” Pierce growls into my ear.

“Nothing beyond that matters. Why make me pick at a scab that’s long been healed over? All that will do is add another scar to the ones already there. Don’t I have enough?”

He lets out a sigh. “What if I want to get rid of your scars?”

I shake my head. “Don’t be naive. Scars as deep as these, you can’t just get rid of, no matter how hard you try. They’re permanently etched into my skin.”

“Look at me,” Pierce commands.

Because it’s pointless to resist, I roll onto my other side and face him, but keep my eyes on the crown on his chest. He pinches my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tips my head up, so I have no choice but to meet his gaze.

“I’m not talking about the scars on your back. I’m talking about the ones here.” Pierce releases his hold and places his hand over my heart.

My eyes burn with unshed tears, and it’s hard to swallow. “Those might be even harder to erase.”

LK Shaw is the bestselling author of the sexy, sinful suspense. She resides in South Carolina with her high maintenance beagle mix dog, Miss P. An avid reader since childhood, she became hooked on historical romance novels in high school. She now reads, and loves, all romance sub-genres, with dark romance and romantic suspense being her favorite. LK enjoys traveling and chocolate. Her books feature hot alpha heroes and the strong women they love.

Want a FREE short story? Be sure to sign up for her newsletter and download your copy of A Birthday Spanking, a short story set in the Doms of Club Eden world!

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Friday, July 30, 2021

Release Blitz: Kindred Spirits (Essential Elements, #1) by Lauren Cutrera


Title: Kindred Spirits (Essential Elements, #1) 

Author:  Lauren Cutrera 

Release Date: July 30, 2021 

Cover Designer: Cover Me Darling  (


Rory Roosevelt inherited some of her family’s paranormal gifts, including the ability to interact with ghosts.  She assists every murdered person who appears seeking help, even ones like snarky socialite Astrid Haas.  As if attempting to help Astrid discover the identity of her killer, running Nostalgia Road Bed & Breakfast, and maintaining her web design business weren’t enough to keep her busy, sweet but sassy Rory unexpectedly finds herself in the company of Caden Brody, a mercenary of sorts who eliminates murderers who can’t be legally brought to justice.  He and his four brothers, all adopted, have dedicated their lives to their cause, not examining their origins too closely or planning for their futures. 

Connecting their families’ pasts, Rory and Caden realize that they must unite with Beck, David, Sawyer, and Thorn, Caden’s brothers, in order to stop Astrid’s killer, a megalomaniac who dreams of ruling the world by unleashing a terrible evil.  Each Brody brother possesses a paranormal talent that represents a key component to the success of their mission, but Rory and Caden are the essential elements in a life-and-death struggle that will determine their survival and the opportunity for them to enjoy a lifetime of love.


Tweet: Check out the #ReleaseBlitz for Kindred Spirits By Lauren Cutrera HERE>> Purchase Today @Amazon #BAPpr #Reading #Books



Lauren Cutrera, who also writes under the name Barbara Cutrera, has published over 20 contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, mystery, and fiction novels. Diverse people and plots highlight her works, drawing readers into the characters’ unique journeys as they navigate their way through their struggles and triumphs. Lauren and her husband, Budge, are the proud parents of a grown son. They live in southwest Florida and have a cute and naughty Yorkie, Hadrian, who sleeps next to Lauren as she writes each day.

Pre Order the Other Books in Series!!






Book Blitz: I Was a Stripper Librarian by Kristy Cooper


I Was a Stripper Librarian
Kristy Cooper
Publication date: July 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, Memoir

No one at the library she worked at knew about Kristy Cooper’s other job.

On the surface, it seem that being a librarian and a stripper are polar opposite jobs, but in practice Kristy found that they were not nearly as different as most people would think. Strip club customers and library patrons both produce wild stories, and you have to be good at working with people in both professions (whether your clothes are off or not).

In this first-hand account, Kristy describes her decision to get into stripping to make her student loan debt more manageable, overcome her introversion to learn how to hustle customers, learn about sex worker advocacy, and finally transition into full-time library work. For years Kristy hid her stripping history to fit into the mold of a respectable librarian, but as time went on she realized this wasn’t something she should feel ashamed about. Telling these kinds of stories helps destigmatize sex work, which makes it safer for current sex workers.

Librarianship is changing, especially as the profession begins to evaluate itself through a greater anti-oppression lens. Librarians can learn a lot about class struggle and privacy advocacy from sex workers.

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I got involved with a former stripper before I ever became one myself.

Lillian had gorgeous long red hair, tattoos, and wore glasses. She was working as a barista at a coffee shop in my college town, Champaign, IL. I was twenty-three and finishing off a year of fucking around partying before moving to Ann Arbor to pursue a Master of Science in Information at the University of Michigan.

One day, I went into her coffee shop and, as I often did when ordering things, I became annoyingly indecisive about what I wanted. “I want a green tea, or wait, maybe a chai… I think I’m hungry… I’m sorry I’m wasting your time.”

Lillian just looked at me coyly. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t have anywhere else to be.” I smiled and felt more at ease as she winked.

I finally picked a chai and enjoyed the feeling as her gaze lingered on mine while she handed it to me. Then another customer popped up behind me, and I realized I had to move along, but I knew I wanted to see her again.

Later, I found out from mutual friends that she was newly single and, like me, was hitting the bars like a fiend. We formally met when our friend groups started coalescing at all the local watering holes. After our drinking group finally reached critical mass, we declared ourselves a girl gang, named ourselves Pussy Control, after the Prince song, and convinced ourselves that we were a serious force to be reckoned with. Most guys quickly learned not to mess with us, because we would cackle at them or mock their ridiculous attempts to approach us. We were not the toughest or most organized gang ever, but we did at least manage to decrease the number of random guys hitting on us.

Maybe Lillian’s risqué past was part of what drew me to her. I don’t know. I had never thought there was anything wrong with stripping, but like most people, it was something I didn’t think I would ever do. At the same time though, I was intrigued with her previous job and wondered what it was like to do something considered so socially deviant and potentially stigmatizing. I had actually done sex work before, but it was working as a dominatrix one summer in Chicago. That kind of work had its own stigma, but there was no audience, I didn’t have to get naked, and I also didn’t have to be nice.

Lillian would tell me about the stage and the pole tricks that would leave calluses on her hands. There were her quirky customers, like the man that just wanted her to sit still like a doll on his lap while he spoke to her. She explained how different customers liked different looks for their strippers and how she avoided working at clubs that only featured what she considered Barbie look-alikes. Lillian described living in Baltimore and how she would walk around half-naked all night, make good money, and then go home to her apartment. It sounded so normal, like being a waitress who happened to forget to put the rest of her clothes on.

Kristy Cooper is a librarian single mom in Michigan. In her spare time, she fights politicians for libraries and will eventually get around to finishing writing her YA series.


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