Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Release Blitz: Make Me by CD Reiss


His obsession may start a war.

Make Me, the second, sizzling, mafia romance in the Manhattan Mafia trilogy from New York Times bestselling author C.D. Reiss is now available!

I stole her and kept her under my command, forced her to obey me, and bent her will over my knee.

She’s been my weapon, my captive, and my toy.

The first time I broke her, I did it for revenge.

The second time . . . for pleasure.

This time, she’s breaking because I’m a liar.

I showed her that her life is a lie, but she’s showing me that I haven’t been living in a truth either.

Now we’re being hunted like animals, and she’s the only one who understands the forces aligned against us.

I thought she was a foolish, weak little sheep, but she’s as shrewd as a fox.
She’s not a pawn to be pushed around the board, but a wartime queen.

I will do whatever it takes to protect her, even if she starts a war to get away from me.

CD Reiss is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets.
Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.
She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood.
If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stay up to date with Christine by joining her mailing list: http://bit.ly/2NVIehg
Sign up to hear exclusively about audio releases and sales: https://cdreiss.com/AudioAlerts

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Book Blitz and Giveaway: All-Star Love by Stephanie J. Scott

All-Star Love
Stephanie J. Scott
(A Six Lakes Tennis Academy Novel)
Publication date: May 24th 2022
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Sports, Young Adult

An enemies-to-more fake dating romance set in the world of competitive tennis
Maisie Maxwell planned for a senior year of dazzling college scouts by playing her best tennis. Instead, her beloved tennis training academy is thrown into scandal when the academy founder and head coach, who happens to be her uncle, takes off to Tahiti with the school’s tuition money. Her classmates label her a traitor, but she commits to graduate from the school she loves.

Only her aim to lay low is thwarted by the school’s last-ditch hope to stay open, a new partnership with reality show The Academy.

Also not helping her stay-under-the-radar plan? A wayward forehand shot that nails transfer student Shane Wagner in the face on day one. Shane, obnoxiously gorgeous for starters, is the current number one nationally seeded player in junior boys’ tennis. Oops.

Everyone at school sees Shane as an outsider and fame-seeker. He’s just as much an outcast as Maisie. While reality show producers push for chaos, Shane and Maisie band together with their own idea: pretend to be together and control the narrative.

But the savvy head producer has her own agenda, and it’s not collegiate tennis scholarships. Shane and Maisie need to play hard to save the school before they’re outmatched.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play

I put all my strength into my next forehand. The ball torpedoed over the net, not even bothering to bounce within the court. Nope, that sucker was headed for the fences. If this was baseball, it’d be time to break out the peanuts and Cracker Jack.

Too bad this wasn’t baseball.


A figure in the distance went down, knees to the court. A crowd of students suddenly appeared, gasping and rushing over.

“You hit him!” someone shrieked.

My breath lodged in my throat. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I jogged over, terrified to breathe until I knew my accidental victim was okay.

Caleb directed a dirty scowl at me. “You really are the worst, Maxwell.”

I angled to see the fallen student. “I’m so sorry!”

“Oh, Maisie.” Nia mumbled, now beside me.

“I’m okay,” the guy on the ground said, attempting to stand despite the crowd. His head emerged, sun-bleached brown hair unkempt and curling over a tanned forehead. That perfectly shaggy hair some guys could get away with. He wasn’t a returning student. The face turning toward me could easily belong on a clothing website, the kind with ninety-dollar T-shirts with holes in them for a distressed look. Basically, he was very attractive.

A swath of blood streaked across that very attractive face.

That part was definitely my fault.

Sorry floated across my tongue, but my lips couldn’t form the word under the pressure of so many glaring classmates. Any hope of being an admired senior this year shriveled and burned like a tissue set aflame.

He accepted a clean towel and pressed it to his nose. “I expected I might not be welcome here, but your forehand really confirmed it.”

“Way to go, Maxwell,” Caleb said with a sneer. “You just nailed Shane Wagner in the face.”

Oh. Wait, what? “You’re … you’re—”

“Shane Wagner,” the bloody-faced model boy said through the towel.

Shane Wagner. The Shane Wagner. I just nailed the face of the number one-seeded player in junior boys’ tennis.

Stephanie J. Scott writes young adult and romance about characters who put their passions first. Her debut ALTERATIONS about a fashion-obsessed loner who reinvents herself was a Romance Writers of America RITA® award finalist. She enjoys dance fitness, everything cats, and has a slight obsession with Instagram. A Midwest girl at heart, she resides outside of Chicago with her tech-of-all-trades husband and fuzzy furbabies.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Newsletter / Instagram / TikTok / Bookbub

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Book Blitz and Giveaway: Myracles in the Void by Wes Dyson

Myracles in the Void
Wes Dyson
Publication date: April 12th 2022
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

There once were two children,
a girl and a boy.
One could create,
the other, destroy.

Within every heart lies the power to bond or break.

On an isolated port of floating garbage called Hop, Gaiel Izz and his sister, Lynd, never imagined they’d be able to change anything…

Not their nasty neighbors, not their hungry bellies, and especially not their missing father.

That will change when they discover the power of myracles — magic that either creates or destroys.

As the brother and sister set across Esa to bring their family back together, this power will either unite them or shatter their entire world to pieces.

It will all come down to what truly lies within their hearts…

Create or destroy?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Chapter One – Unforgiving Hop


Water Level Low.

SPRYT SightingsHighly Expected.

Un-luck + Disaster ToAllWho Encounter.


— Mayor Tanning

What a delightful sign to have hanging in front of one’s home — a mix of “watch out” with “you’re on your own.” But that’s living in Hop for ya, a’kay?

As a floating port in the middle of the sea, there weren’t any roads to or from Hop. On their own, indeed. But it wasn’t always so lonely. Fifty years ago, Hop was a bustling pitstop for the hundreds of trade ships sailing across the Domus Gulf every year. A place to “hop” from one side of the gulf to the other. Being a travel hub made it bursting with exotic goods and fresh ideas. But the wild waters of the gulf were hard to predict, and they only seemed to grow more dangerous over time. One shipwreck was enough to send thoughts and prayers, but after ten and twenty ships washed back blown to bits, it started to nip at the profits. Soon traders found alternate land routes that may have taken longer, but at least weren’t so death-y.

Practically overnight, Hop and its people were forgotten like a used hanky in a puddle. Trapped on a floating port amid the unfor‐ giving sea, a stagnant idea stuck to them — anything made would just be unmade. What was to stop anything they worked hard to build from falling to pieces like Hop did? Nothin’ lasts butsalt in yer ass became the most graffitied words on the splintering streets, a series of long planks called “Boards.” Was there any point in shining your shoes, doing your hair, brushing your teeth? They would all end up dirty, tasseled, and yellow. Undone, eventually. Was there any point in building relationships, then? Nothing lasts but the salt in their asses, indeed.

Just behind that friendly “red tide” warning sign on Boulie Board, a skinny wreck of a home rose from the battered planks. Its number, 76, was drawn large and wide on the front and side in “Hopper White,” a local specialty paint whose main ingredient was seagull poop. Nothing could be wasted in Hop, not even waste. The pieces that made up the home had a kind of widely used look about them, like maybe that wall had once been the barnacled belly of a rowboat, and before that, it was a sign that said HOP: POPULATION 600. Its door was a full fourteen shades of a should-I-touch-that sort of green and was cracked at the bottom up to the knob. Its two sea-weathered windows were small and narrow like suspicious eyes squinting at the neighbors. By Hopper standards, the Izz family actually had quite a fine little nest.

The only reason the Izz house somewhat outshined its raggedy neighbors was because of the family’s firstborn, Gaiel Izz. Gai liked to fix things when they broke. Something about broken objects made him queasy, compulsive even; a roar in the belly yapping at him to make it better. As for the things he couldn’t fix, he’d at least insist on putting a sheet of soggy newspaper over it or something. In fact, he patched so many holes in his clothes with newspaper that it became the dominant fabric. It crinkled as he walked.

One special night, this industrious fifteen-year-old was lying motionless on the floor in one of the home’s damp upstairs bedrooms. His right ear was practically suctioned to the floorboards as he listened carefully for any signs of movement downstairs. He’d been listening so long his ear had become a bright, throbbing mushroom. This night, he’d embark on his most ambitious fixing project yet — his twelve-year-old sister, Lynd.

While Gai may have been on the floor, he wasn’t out of bed. The floor was both of the Izz children’s bed. Many, many things floated by Hop in the strong currents, like sunken ship junk or garbage from far off Electri City on the mainland. But few were “cozy” materials for them to scoop out and use to make bedding. Since nothing came in or out of Hop, if a Hopper wanted something new, they’d best grab a scoop and pray to Zeea that whatever they needed happened to be floating by that day. Gai once scooped an armful of braided anchor rope and wove it into a nice blanket. He looked over at Lynd sleeping on it, snoring like a ship headed out to sea

Twaahhh! Peaceful as she seemed, her little hands kept pulling at the fraying edges of the rope-blanket, almost like tearing it apart soothed her as a babe suckling their thumb would. She was definitely not a fixer like her brother. Truly, she was quite the opposite.

Wes Dyson is a creative marketer and dog-daddy of four Pomskies living in Western MA. He loves classical music and earthy, grass-tasting tea.

Website / Goodreads / Amazon / Instagram

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sneak Peek: Make Me by CD Reiss

Make Me, the anticipated second book in the sexy, addictive, and thrilling Manhattan Mafia series from New York Times bestselling author C.D. Reiss is releasing May 31st, and we have your first look inside!

I stole her and kept her under my command, forced her to obey me, and bent her will over my knee.

She’s been my weapon, my captive, and my toy.

The first time I broke her, I did it for revenge.

The second time . . . for pleasure.

This time, she’s breaking because I’m a liar.

I showed her that her life is a lie, but she’s showing me that I haven’t been living in a truth either.

Now we’re being hunted like animals, and she’s the only one who understands the forces aligned against us.

I thought she was a foolish, weak little sheep, but she’s as shrewd as a fox.
She’s not a pawn to be pushed around the board, but a wartime queen.

I will do whatever it takes to protect her, even if she starts a war to get away from me.

Reserve your copy today!
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/MkeMe

“You’re really talking about a truce?”
“Call it what you want.”
“Fucking hell.” He laughs to himself. “You aren’t the same guy since you took my sister.”
I’m not. The Dario Lucari who lived the hour before he took Sarah had sold his soul to destroy the Colonia. This is my last chance to buy it back for her.
“I’m offering an end to all of this.”
“You started this war, and now you’re offering to stop it? Like it’s a bargain? And my sister? Remember her? She’s part of the deal.”
I expected him to try this trade, but it still pisses me off. “We’ll disappear. We’ll leave New York. That’s all you get out of me.”
“Why would we do that?” He looks into the tunnel. The light is dim yellow and the air curls unpredictably, catching wrappers and plastic bags in looping whirlwinds—only to casually drop them on the tracks. “For what? We don’t want peace. That’s not some prize. We want you strung up like a side of beef, and we want Sarah back.”
“She’s better off with me and you know it.” I wasn’t sure if he knew that until I see his reaction. He knows. He just doesn’t care. “You want to fight for her, you’re going to have a fight. But then what? Drag her home? To do what with her? Turn her out like a whore? Or slice her up and sell her?”
His flinch is slight and as fast as a blink, but it tells me there are things the Colonia do that he doesn’t like thinking about. He was born human and raised to be an animal. Now he’s trying hard to die an animal. But the real him—the human—keeps slipping out. He’s a soft touch, a reformer, and too much of a coward to change anything before his father is out of the picture.
“We can’t let you live.” His voice is partially drowned out by a warm wind from behind him. A nearly empty train arrives on the opposite platform. “Your deal is bullshit, and it sucks.”
We say nothing for a moment, while the doors open. He hides his anxiety. I hide my regrets.
Say you want peace, Massimo. All you have to do is want it.
Mr. Post doesn’t get on the train.
Revenge is exhausting. It takes up too much mental real estate. Too much time. Too much love. I need all of it for something else.
The conductor’s voice gurgles, and with a double beep, the doors slap closed.
We’re just two men talking.
Wind gusts from behind me. Train on our side.
“I’m not coming to you with another deal.” I shrug, offering to clean up a mess I made.
Massimo’s sneer tells me the discount on salvation won’t result in a sale. “Without Sarah, there’s no deal.”
“You can’t have her. Ever. She’s mine.”

Add MAKE ME to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3uTWxYv

CD Reiss is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets.
Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.
She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood.
If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Connect with Christine
Stay up to date with Christine by joining her mailing list: http://bit.ly/2NVIehg
Sign up to hear exclusively about audio releases and sales: https://cdreiss.com/AudioAlerts

Book Blitz and Giveaway: Painted Scars by Neva Altaj

Painted Scars
Neva Altaj
(Perfectly Imperfect, #1)
Publication date: May 24th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Charming, captivating, and seductive,
And a cold-blooded killer.
But I married the Pakhan of the Russian Bratva anyway.
I had to; it was part of the deal.

Now, I’m faking marital bliss,
As I tremble with fear,
And I cannot wait to be out of the clutches of this ruthless man.

I get anything I desire.
And I want this perfectly imperfect little manipulator.

The way she can deceive anyone into believing she’s crazy in love with me,
Just makes me want her even more.

She doesn’t know it yet,
But I am not letting her go.
The deal – is off.

Goodreads / Amazon

(Nina POV)

“How much do you owe them?” I ask.
“Three million dollars.”
I stare at him with my mouth wide open. “Dear God, Dad.”
I bend down and place my forehead on my knees, trying to control my breathing. I’m not marriage material, no one in their right mind would offer three million dollars in exchange for six months of marriage. There must be a catch.
“He’s ninety, isn’t he?” I mumble into my knees.
“I don’t know how old their Pakhan is, but I don’t think he’s ninety.”
“Eighty then. I’m so relieved.” I’m going to be sick.
“They said it’ll be a marriage in name only. You won’t have to . . . you know.”
“Sleep with him? Well, if he’s eighty, then he probably can’t have sex. That’s good. Eighty is good.”

Neva Altaj writes steamy contemporary mafia romance about damaged antiheroes and strong heroines who fall for them. She has a soft spot for crazy jealous, possessive alphas who are willing to burn the world to the ground for their woman.

Her stories are full of heat and unexpected turns, and a happily-ever-after is guaranteed every time.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / TikTok / Bookbub


Monday, May 23, 2022

Special Announcement: A Not So Meet Cute Illustrated Collection by Meghan Quinn

Meghan Quinn Romance like You've Never Seen it Before! 
The A NOT SO MEET CUTE Illustrated Collection is NOW AVAILABLE! 
From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author comes the BRAND NEW Illustrated collection in hardback format. With over thirty illustrated scenes, A NOT SO MEET CUTE comes to life with vivid imagery. Full of heart, humor and heat, this will be your new favorite way to read romance. 
The A NOT SO MEET CUTE Illustrated Collection is live now, so grab your copy today and experience Meghan Quinn’s Rom-Coms in a whole new way! 
USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

Never miss another NEW RELEASE, text READ to 474747.

Connect w/ Meghan:

Release Blitz and Giveaway: Beck by JJ Harper

  Beck Banner

Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
By JJ Harper

Beck (Bar 28) Cover

Bar 28, Book 4

Finally, he’s found his perfect man. Will he be able to keep him?

Beck Thompson is out and proud. He has a job he loves and friends he considers his family. Okay, he doesn’t have a boyfriend, but chances are slim he’ll find the man who’ll accept all of him, his past and his tattoos. He’s happy. Sort of.

Until he sees the perfect man…with the same woman hanging on his arm every night. Damn.

Munro Sylvester has put every aspect of his life on hold to make his business a success. And he’s done it. But he’s never been true to himself.

One look at the gorgeous, colourful man changes everything. He knows he has to make the first move, but he may risk losing everything he’s worked so hard for.

Can Beck trust his heart that Munro is the one for him? Is Munro brave enough to come out and fight for their happily ever after?

Beck has a tattooed bartender who has never had any luck with love, a hard-working gym owner who’s never said “I’m gay” out loud, instant attraction, and well-meaning, meddling friends.

It is the fourth book in the BAR 28 series, a MM contemporary series. Each book can be read as a stand-alone, but you’ll enjoy them best by reading them in order. This series is based in the UK.

Universal Link


IG Sized Beck Teaser Cocktait

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“Beck, wait up!” The voice from the office stopped me in my tracks in the corridor. I closed my eyes and calmed myself, then turned back and stepped inside. Jonas, my boss—and my ex-lover—looked me over and frowned. “Are you okay? You’ve seemed distracted lately.” Damn him for knowing me so well.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, but it’s all sorted now.” Please don’t ask. Please don’t ask.

“Anything I can help with?” He was such a genuine guy, a great man. If only it could’ve worked out for us. He was a protector, a carer, and I didn’t need one of those. I wanted an equal.

“No, like I said, it’s all sorted. I’m good. I promise.” I plastered my brightest smile on my face and turned away, conscious of his eyes still on me.

“You know where I am if you need anything, Beck.” The kindness in his voice made my heart hurt, and I had to blink hard a couple of times to fight back the sting of tears.

“I know. Thank you, Jonas.” I walked to the breakroom, which was empty. I was always early, a habit I’d had my whole life, thanks to my parents. They’d always prided themselves on the fact that they were never late. It was a shame they didn’t pride themselves on loving their son.

It was going to be a busy night, which was exactly what I needed. A night to take my mind off the total fuck-up my life was right now. Not my love life. I hadn’t got that. No, it was my sex life that was fucked up. I must have a sign on my forehead that said ‘SUCKER’ flashing in pink neon lights. I was a sucker for a sad smile and a sob story,

which was why I ended up alone after my so-called date decided to call his ex and, with a gabbled apology, rushed off back to him. I’d spent all damn night trying to cheer him up so that I could get him back to my place, not for him to friend-zone me before he left.

The others were arriving as well. Max had Gus tucked under his arm, and Sawyer sported a hickey or two, courtesy of Devon. Leo was already working and would be leaving after his shift ended to go home to Bruno. Happy couples everywhere.

Fuck. My. Life.

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To celebrate the release of Beck, JJ Harper is giving away an ebook of the winner's choice from her backlist. 3 winners will be chosen!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57462/?

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You will normally find her in the living room—typing away—with her wayward Great Dane, Siddiqi. As a hopeless romantic, JJ dives into her stories, always falling in love with her men, making sure they get the happy-ever-after they deserve, even if they do have to work hard for it.
JJ lives in a small, very quiet, village in Lincolnshire, UK, with her husband and dog, and spends all day dreaming up stories full of really hot men.

Connect with JJ:

Website: https://www.jjharper-author.com
Author page: https://www.facebook.com/authorJJHarper
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jessjhoney
Goodreads: https://tinyurl.com/ha7whyj6
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessjharper
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jj-harper
Amazon author page: amazon.com/author/jjharper
Harper’s Honeys: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HarpersHoneys/
