Friday, June 30, 2023

Excerpt Reveal: Pazzoide by Onley James


Onley James is excited about the upcoming release of Pazzoide, the Italian translation of Necessary Evils book 3! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: Pazzoide

Author: Onley James

Genre: Italian Translation, MM Dark Romance

Release Date: July 11th

Atticus Mulvaney è il figlio maggiore dell’eccentrico miliardario Thomas Mulvaney – un ruolo che prende molto sul serio. Come tutto, del resto. Alla stregua dei fratelli, Atticus è uno psicopatico, allevato per correggere i torti di un sistema giudiziario corrotto. A differenza dei membri della sua famiglia, però, lui non è molto bravo a farlo. Jericho Navarro non è uno psicopatico, ma è un assassino feroce. Come Atticus, anche lui ha una vita segreta. Per i più, infatti, lui è solo un meccanico. Ma per un gruppo raffazzonato di disadattati sociali è Peter Pan, colui che insegna loro a eliminare senza alcun compromesso la feccia che fa del male ai più deboli. Quando Atticus e Jericho si trovano faccia a faccia davanti allo stesso nemico, il loro incontro accidentale finisce in un amplesso esplosivamente sensuale che nessuno dei due riesce a dimenticare. Eppure non hanno nulla in comune. Atticus è uno scienziato abbottonato, mentre Jericho è un uomo in missione, determinato a trovare e punire i responsabili della morte di sua sorella. Tuttavia, Jericho non riesce a stargli lontano. E in tutta sincerità Atticus non vuole che lo faccia. Via via che la missione di Jericho inizia a debordare nella vita di Atticus, le loro due famiglie, diverse ma ugualmente brutali, si trovano costrette a dover collaborare, e a imparare a farlo, per sconfiggere un nemico comune. Nessuna quantità di forza bruta, però, potrebbe mai mostrare a Jericho il modo per scalare le pareti del cuore di uno psicopatico. Riuscirà a convincere Atticus che, a volte, la coppia che uccide insieme rimane insieme? Pazzoide è una storia d’amore particolarmente psicopatica e super sensuale, con lieto fine e senza cliffhanger. Ha come protagonista un maniaco sessualmente confuso e maldestro, e il capo di una banda che non riesce a smettere di tormentarlo. Come sempre è possibile trovare violenza gratuita, umorismo molto oscuro, più assassini di quanti se ne possano contare e una chimica esplosiva a sufficienza da radere al suolo un isolato. Questo è il terzo libro della serie I Mali Necessari. Ogni libro segue una coppia diversa.

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Onley James lives in Central Florida with her daughter, her daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and a menagerie of animals, both good and evil. James splits her time between writing m/m romance and mainlining dangerous levels of caffeine and attempting to maintain her ever-slipping sanity. When not at her desk you can find her whining about how much writing she has to do and avoiding said writing by binge-watching unhealthy amounts of television. She loves true crime documentaries, anti-heroes, obsessively scrolling social media and writing kinky, snarky books about morally gray men who fall in love with other men.

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Release Blitz: No Easy Dare by Samantha Christy


A One-Night-Stand, Fake Fiancée Romance.

No Easy Dare by Samantha Christy is now live!

Hunter McQuaid is definitely a fish out of water. Or maybe a shark out of the tank.
He's a cocky, arrogant, playboy. Something he shouldn't be considering he can barely scrape together the rent for his craptastic apartment.
After an ill-advised one-nighter with him, I end up pregnant. Which puts me in a precarious position. I can't be pregnant and also protect my daughter. Because protecting her means risking my unborn child. There's no way to protect them both.
Until my cocky, arrogant, playboy baby daddy, who is SO not father material, comes up with a plan.
Hunter becomes my protector. My savior. My doting fiancé. The problem is, it's all fake. And if my father finds out about it, I may end up worse off than before.
Falling for my fake fiancé is not what I expected. I'm in deep. And I'm swimming with sharks.
But I'll do anything to protect my kids. Even if it means breaking my own heart.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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Samantha Christy writes sexy new adult and contemporary romances. Although each book is written as a standalone, her series' tie together so you'll enjoy seeing characters pop up over and over again.

Regardless of where you start your Samantha Christy journey, you can count on three things: Every book feels REAL (you'll see bits of yourself in each heroine.) Every story has PAIN (because what's a good romance without it?) And all her heroines find LOVE (because true romances have an HEA.)
Real. Painful. Love.

Samantha enjoys life as a full-time author under the warm Florida sun with her husband and four children.





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Release Blitz: Broken Beauty by Ketley Allison


The charmer.
The brother's best friend turned stalker.
The tortured leader.
The psychopath.

Which one will break her?

Broken Beauty by Ketley Allison is now live!

I never believed in love - until I met them.

The four enigmatic men who would change my life forever. One is dangerous

and unpredictable; another magnetic and charming; the third proves his loyalty

and protectiveness by stalking me; and the fourth is the one who haunts my

every thought.

When I discover the existence of a hidden fortune of an accused witch from

the 1600s on campus - a woman executed for poisoning noblewomen's husbands – I had no idea

it would force me to choose between my own desires and the safety of those I loved.

Morgan, Xavier, Rio and Rossi are all after the treasure, too.

Their growing attraction to me complicates things. I can't help but feel

drawn to each of their dark habits in a way that threatens to destroy me. I

sense these men are hiding something, but every time I almost uncover the

answer, they call to the darkness inside me as a distraction, the one I thought

my morals consumed a long time ago.

As I get closer to the centuries-forgotten fortune, I know I'm playing a

dangerous game. But when bloody trinkets start being left at my door, I realize

I've gotten too close. Not to the accused witch's secret, but to theirs.

I find myself caught up in a web of power and desire that I'm ashamed to

admit, thrills me. But as I struggle to navigate their treacherous games, I begin to

question everything I know about love, lust, and the human heart.

And in the end, I'm not sure if I'll be the one left standing.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited


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Ketley Allison has always been a romantic at heart and loves writing over-the-top, plot-twisty romance and characters. Ketley was born in Canada, moved to Australia, then to California, and finally to New York City to attend law school, but most of that time was spent in coffee shops thinking about her next book.

Her other passions include her two daughters, wine, coffee, Big Macs, her cat, and her husband, possibly in that order.




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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Release Blitz: His Queen by Bella J


There’s always a price to pay when you’re loved by a man like Nicoli Del Rossa.

His Queen, an all-new dark, forbidden, mafia romance and second book in the Dark Sovereign Underboss Series from International bestselling author Bella J is available now!

I knew loving him would be my downfall.

I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.

There’s always a price to pay when you’re loved by a man like Nicoli Del Rossa.

He’s my king. The captor of my heart.

But with the Dark Sovereign empire comes savage enemies thirsting for bloodshed, and when a mafia war is raging, buried secrets are brought to the surface.

While my husband does everything to protect me, I start to see the cracks in his truth. The lies, the deception, it begins to unfold, and I no longer know who I can trust.

But all it takes is one night apart.

One night of living in the dark.

One night…and I remember everything.

Now, I’m no longer the woman he married. I’m no longer his hummingbird with a white lace ribbon in her hair. Instead, I’m a shattered soul grappling with haunting recollections, and no one can save me.

Not even him.

Learn more about Bella J and her releases by visiting her websites:

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Cover Reveal: The Wrong Wife by L. Steele



L. Steele has revealed the gorgeous cover for The Wrong Wife!

Releasing: July 25, 2023

Cover Designer: Jacqueline Sweet


He's my best friend's brother.
My new boss.
And now my fake husband.

Knight Warren. The country's most sought-after heartthrob, and retired military vet, is my complete opposite.
He's confident when I'm collaborative.
Grumpy where I'm sunshine.
Surly where I'm... happy go lucky.
He's the hardened ex-soldier.
I'm still trying to find my calling.
The only thing we have in common is that we both love his sister... who's also my best friend.

So when she asks me to help Knight find a wife I can't say no.

Turns out he'll inherit the father's empire as long as he gets married within the next month.

I agree to work as his assistant and interview the women who apply for the position. But Knight hates every one of them.

With the deadline drawing close, he proposes I marry him—with conditions.

One year of a fake marriage.
One year of living together.
One year of pretending I belong to him.

In return, he'll pay off my debts and take care of my mother's medical treatment.

But stipulations are never that simple.
Especially when the chemistry between us detonates.
Forced to live under his roof I know I'm falling for him.
As the days pass I begin to think he reciprocates my feelings.
Until he introduces me to his real wife...

This is a billionaire, forced proximity, one-bed, fake marriage of convenience, and a best friend's brother novel. It is a complete standalone.

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L. Steele writes stories featuring powerful men and strong women who bring them to their knees. When she's not writing she enjoys trading trivia with her husband, watching lots and lots of movies, and walking nature trails. She lives with her family in London.





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Book Blitz: Reasons Why Not to Date the Best Friend by Melanie Munton


Reasons Why Not to Date the Best Friend
Melanie Munton
(Shell Grove, #3)
Publication date: June 27th 2023
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Sometimes The One you’ve been looking for…
is the one who’s been there all along.

Reason #1: Finn is Maggie’s best friend. They don’t have secrets. Which means they know exactly how disastrous they would be as a couple. They bicker, they annoy each other, but they also have one hell of a good time together. Outside the bedroom, of course. Why would they risk ruining a great thing just to satisfy years of curiosity?

Reason #2: Finn is stable and secure while Maggie acts on any wild hair she gets. She’s always looking for her next adventure. But it’s been a while. Everyone around her is moving forward with their lives, leaving her floating alone in open waters. And when she’s offered the job of a lifetime in Key West—hundreds of miles from their hometown of Shell Grove, SC—it’s too enticing to resist. Besides, it’s not like she’ll ever be the kind of woman Finn would want to settle down with anyway.

Reason #3: Losing Finn would destroy her. That’s exactly what would happen if they ever took things too far and it blew up in their faces. But ever since that job offer was put on the table, Finn is putting a whole lot of other stuff on the table, too. Suddenly, Maggie and Finn are forgetting all of their rules. And she’s wondering why it’s taken them so long to be bad when it feels this good.

Maggie wants more adventure? Fine. Finn will give her all she can handle. She’s avoiding commitment? No problem. He’ll keep his thoughts on the subject to himself. But he’s not letting her take that job in Key West. She has no idea what she’d be throwing away. It’s taken him a long time to see things clearly, too, but his vision is 20/20 now. And he’s not letting his best friend—who might just be the girl of his dreams—go without putting up the fight of his life. All he has to do is show her he can be so much more than just the BEST FRIEND.


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Finn stepped through Maggie’s back door and immediately ducked, dodging the flying tennis ball at the last second. Without that fourth cup of coffee, that sucker would have nailed him right in the damn eye. As it was, he was alert—and jittery—as hell.

Don’t give the caffeine all the credit.

Tossing his keys on her kitchen counter, he hesitantly walked across the tile floor, approaching the living room with caution. There was… Shit, he didn’t know what to even call the wide assortment of household items littering her floor. There was obviously a purpose to it all, but that was a code only Maggie could crack. Entering her Alice in Wonderland of a mind made The Butterfly Effect look like a walk in the park.

“What the hell am I looking at right now?”

Maggie’s head whipped in his direction, whisps of her dark hair plastered to her temples where she was sweating. “Canine calisthenics.” She stated it like he was dumb for not seeing it with his own eyes. “The vet says Berkeley’s weight is teetering right on the edge. Gotta keep my boy in shape, Jamie Lee Curtis and John Travolta style.”

“Isn’t that the movie where they spend an entire scene air-humping each other from across a room?”

He dodged another tennis ball that came flying at his head.

“Leave it to you to only remember the tawdry details of an 80s classic.”

The closer he looked at the objects around him, the more shapes he could make out. She had created her own makeshift obstacle course for their four-legged pet. Canine apparatuses of her own invention were set up throughout the house. As was always the case with Maggie, there was a method to her madness. One only she understood, but there was something to be said for it.

Finn rolled his eyes. “Just so you know, the vet only says that so you’ll keep coming back. He’s more interested in checking out your ass in your spandex pants than whether Berkeley’s put on a pound or two. Trust me, his weight is fine.”

A new song came over the speaker that Berkeley seemed to recognize because his tail started wagging like crazy. Maggie caught him when he excitedly stood up on his hind legs, and they proceeded to dance in the middle of the living room.

Oh, Jesus.

Finn only just noticed the matching leg warmers they were wearing. And headbands.

“Since when is my dog a Shakira fan?”

“Since always. He’s part Colombian, after all.”

“We found him on the side of Highway 21, Mags. Pretty sure he didn’t hitchhike from Bogotá.”

“But his spirit animal did.”

“He is an animal.” When Maggie swerved her hips, he swore Berkeley mimicked her. Finn scraped his hands down his face, groaning. “Look what you’re doing to my dog. He’s going soft on me. He didn’t even bark when I entered the house without knocking.”

“Why would he bark at you?”

“He wouldn’t have known who it was when the door first opened.”

Berkeley dropped back down to all fours and copied Maggie when she started twirling in circles. “If anyone is softening up this dog it’s you with all those steaks you’re feeding him. Why do you think he’s having weight issues?”

His molars ground together. “He’s not having weight issues. The vet is having infidelity issues. Dude is married, yet he’s drooling over you like Berkeley does when I pull our steaks off the grill.”

“Ribeyes or porterhouses?”

“What does it matter?”

“If I’m going to be compared to a steak, it better be the finest slab of meat on the market.”

For whatever reason, the moment she said those words, Finn’s eyes dropped straight to her ass. He wasn’t even conscious of the action. Some otherworldly compulsion—likely a demonic possession—seemed to take hold of him. She had on a pair of those ungodly tight pants women wore when they worked out. There were slits cut in the spandex that were made of a sheer, mesh material, and her top was one of those dri-fit tanks that had a built-in bra thing. Maggie still always wore a brightly colored sports bra when she worked out, though, regardless of any built-in material. She couldn’t exactly go without one, considering how…ample…her chest was.

Jesus Christ.

Why was he thinking about her chest size? Or her bras? For fuck’s sake, he only looked because Maggie talking about being compared to a steak had the words prime meat flashing like a goddamn neon sign in his head. Holy shit, he was as bad as the vet. An actual Neanderthal.

The next words out of his mouth proved it to be true.

“You know you’re filet mignon, Mags.”

She tripped over a couch cushion and stared at him in shock.

Oh, motherfuck.

Melanie grew up in the Midwest, but she loves living in the Southeast (where the beaches are!) now with her husband and daughter.

Melanie's other passion is traveling and seeing the world. With anthropology degrees under their belts, she and her husband have made it their goal in life to see as many archaeological sites around the world as possible.
She has a horrible food addiction to pasta and candy (not together...ew). And she gets sad when her wine rack is empty.
At the end of the day, she is a true romantic at heart. She loves writing the cheesy and corny of romantic comedies, and the sassy and sexy of suspense. She aims to make her readers swoon, laugh out loud, maybe sweat a little, and above all, fall in love.
Go visit Melanie's website and sign up for her newsletter to stay updated on release dates, teasers, and other details for all of her projects!

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Release Blitz: Shot Taker by Piper Lawson


He leads the league in scoring. My heart won't give him another shot.

Shot Taker by Piper Lawson is now live!

He leads the league in scoring. My heart won't give him another shot.
I swore I'd never come back to Denver.
I'd never trust the wrong man again.
But here I am, back in the same place as the bad boy athlete who broke my heart.
Clay rules the basketball court, and now he's gunning for redemption. But I'm not the same girl who fell for the man behind the all-star image and reputation.
He made me want him like I've never wanted anyone.
He made me feel like I was the only thing that mattered.
A single look can make me ache.
A whispered promise in his gruff voice makes my chest tight.
Clay'll do anything to prove we're worth another shot.


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Piper Lawson is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of smart and steamy romance.

She writes women who follow their dreams, best friends who know your dirty secrets and love you anyway, and complex heroes you'll fall hard for.

Piper lives in Canada with her tall and brilliant husband. She's a sucker for dark eyes, dark coffee, and dark chocolate.




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