Book Title: Why I Need You
Author: Colette Davison
Publisher: Smudged Ink Press
Cover Artist: Charlotte L R Kane
Genre/s: LGBT contemporary romance
Length: Words: 83,000 No. of Pages: 312
Fin is a recurring character from Why I Left You, but it is a standalone story.
Following the death of their parents, Fin put his life on hold to raise his little sister. He’s convinced her well-being is all that matters, even if it’s at the expense of his own. A chance meeting with Noah opens his eyes to the possibility of happiness. A happiness that could shatter the moment Noah discovers Fin has an eight-year-old in tow.
Noah has been living a lie for years. When he gets publicly outed, he gets kicked out of his parents’ home and business. Although he’s angry at being disowned, Noah knows it means he’s finally free to love whomever he wants. But in order to have a fulfilling and lasting relationship, Noah has to get past his repressed upbringing and inhibitions, before Fin walks out of his life.
In order to stay together, Fin and Noah have to be brave enough to be honest with themselves and each other.
**Contains adult language and scenes**

Available on KU
Noah glanced up as their waiter wandered over to the table. Without meaning to, Noah found himself staring. The waiter looked hot in his uniform. He was wearing a crisp white shirt and a jet-black waistcoat, which intensified the grey of his eyes. A black bowtie was an especially cute addition, which added to his boyish charm. But it was the waiter’s smile which really grabbed Noah’s attention. It was a wide, easy smile that literally lit up the restaurant.
“Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked, his voice smooth.
Noah forced himself to zoom out from the smile and the perfect teeth to take in the waiter’s whole face, grey eyes and dark, swept-back hair. He dropped his gaze to the waiter’s name badge, which read ‘Fin’, then he looked away, planting his gaze onto his menu. God forbid anyone in his family caught him staring at a guy. He didn’t register what anyone else ordered. It wasn’t until Ruth kicked him in the ankle that he even realised the waiter, Fin, was talking to him.
“What can I get for you?” Fin asked, probably repeating the question for the second time, or maybe the third.
Noah hoped it wasn’t the third.
“Uh, the Hawaiian pizza,” he said, cursing himself for mumbling over the words.
Fin nodded thoughtfully as he noted down Noah’s order. “You’re one of those guys.”
Noah’s eyes widened involuntarily. What did the waiter mean, ‘one of those guys’? How could his choice of pizza tell Fin anything about him?
“Who likes pineapple on pizza,” Fin clarified, his smile becoming wider still, revealing adorable dimples that made Noah’s legs turn to jelly. “You’d be surprised how divisive a choice that can be.” Fin’s gaze lingered on Noah for a couple of seconds before he glanced round the whole table. “Can I get anyone any more drinks?”
“I’d like a martini,” Liam said. He grinned at Ruth before saying, “Shaken, not stirred,” in an appalling attempt at a Scottish accent.
“A pint of Stones, please,” Noah said, finding his voice again.
“Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Noah exhaled as Fin wandered away. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so flustered just because he liked the look of a guy. Then again, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been around a truly attractive guy whilst sitting at a table with his ridiculously conservative parents.
He grabbed the thick white linen napkin and flicked it out, laying it over his lap just in case. He couldn’t trust his dick not to revolt against his head, which was screaming at him not to go gooey over some random guy.
After reading Why I Left You by Colette Davison, I knew I'd read more of this author's work, once again she delivered an amazing story that pulled at the heart strings and put you in the character's shoes. I will also say that this one was as difficult for me to read as the first simply based on the subject matter. That said, I just want to slap some people in Why I Need You, book two of this series.
Before you start worrying about this being a book two, while it is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. For those of you that read Why I Left You, this is Fin's story, and I'm so happy he got one. He deserved to find someone who will love him.
After Fin's parents died, he moved home to take care of his little sister. He's raising her the best way he can and doesn't expect Noah. Noah is not only gay, he is in the closet and hiding from everyone, afraid of what his parents would do if they found out. He's following in his father's footsteps and after seeing Fin, something is sparked within him. Nothing is easy for these two, but they do have feelings for each other. It might not be enough though.
If you are looking for a hot and steamy read, this isn't it, but if you want to read a great love story between two men, this is one you should pick up for yourself. 4.5 stars and I recommend you one click it today. The author has a way of weaving a story to keep the reader engaged and wanting to turn the page until the very end. I did get pissed off at several characters many times, but you will have to read it for yourself to figure out why. Download it today!
Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.
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