Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Cover Reveal: Prince of Sin by Ivy Wild


Ivy Wild has revealed the gorgeous cover for Prince of Sin!

Releasing: December 15, 2023

Photographer: Ren Saliba

He's the reluctant mafia prince,
my unlikely savior,
and my strongest temptation.

Ten years ago,
I committed the ultimate sin,
and he helped me cover it up.

We spent one night together and then I ran
desperate for absolution, I hid myself away,
but somehow he found me.

I saw something I shouldn't have.
My life should be forfeit,
but he won't let anyone touch me.

Now I'm living in sin,
caught up in his world,
descending into a hell that feels like heaven.

But, every sinner pays their dues,
and I'm about to face judgment day.

My name is Raven Kirkland,
and Teddy Maldonado
is my ultimate sin.


Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/463EijR

USA Today and a Top 15 Amazon bestselling author, Ivy Wild writes angsty, sometimes dark, contemporary romance with guaranteed happily-ever-afters. As a practicing corporate attorney for a global law firm, Ivy loves combining her real world experiences with her fictional worlds.

When she's not working—who are we kidding?—she's never not working. She currently lives just outside of Washington, D.C. with her husband, their young son, her German Shepherd, and a sassy rescue cat.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19371380.Ivy_Wild 

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