Monday, October 31, 2016

Release Blitz: Dirty by Bella Aurora

Title: Dirty
Series: RAW Family #2
Author: Belle Aurora
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: October 31, 2016


My marriage seemed perfect from the outside looking in.

People envied me. They wanted my life, wanted to be me. 

Mrs Alejandra Gambino.
Wife of Dino Gambino. Daughter of Eduardo Castillo.

Respected. Loved. Mob royalty. 

They had no idea of the horrors that lurked behind closed doors.

They didn't know I was at the lowest point a person could reach. 

Enter Julius Carter.

Aloof, handsome, blue-eyed Julius Carter. 

He saved me.

I screwed him over. 

Now everybody was after me. My life was forfeit.

It was only a matter of time. I was a dead woman walking. 

The question was, who would get to me first?




Belle Aurora is twenty seven years old and was born in the land down under. 

At an early age she fell in love with reading. Boredom one summer had her scouring the bookshelves at home. She stumbled across Sandra Brown's Breath of Scandal and fell in love with romance. 

Having been brought up in a loud and boisterous family of Croatian descent, she developed a natural love for dramatics and humor. Only some years ago had she discovered a new love. 

Humorous romance novels. 

Kristen Ashley and R.L. Mathewson had opened a brand new world where she could lose herself yet feel safe and at home in their stories. Belle has been known to become a screeching banshee while anxiously awaiting their newest titles. 

Belle never thought she would write. It had never interested her until recently. Friend-Zoned began to form and in February 2013 Belle typed the words Chapter One. And she fell in love. 

With words.
With writing.

With a creative imagination she never knew she harbored. 

Friend-Zoned is the first in the Friend-Zoned series. Keep an eye out for this cheeky author.





Release Blitz: F*cking Awkward Holidays Anthology

►► 25 Authors, Awkward Sex, Epic Cause ◄◄

★★100% of ebook profits benefit The Bookworm Box Charities!★★ 

Holidays conjure up many thoughts- long, chilly nights, snuggled up by the fire, bare feet tucked under the one you love. Some are hallmarks of summer when skin is warmed by more than the sun. There is the after Thanksgiving dinner nightcap, as the smooth, sultry burn of whiskey warms your chest, rendering your limbs heavy or include lazy kisses and wandering hands beneath your best dress on a romantic Valentine's Day date.

But sometimes, Grandma gets boozed up and passes out at the table, your brother gets caught rubbing one out under the fireworks, your kids catch mommy kissing Santa (and not on the lips), your special new toy winds up in the wrong gift bag, a goat steals and wears your sexy new thong and watching the ball drop takes on a whole new meaning.

In other words, the holidays can be magical, but sometimes, they're also just f*cking awkward.

Taryn Plendl, A. D. Justice, Ahren Sanders, Amanda Maxlyn - Author, Brooke Page, Carey Heywood Author, Christine Manzari, Christine Zolendz, Dina Littner Author, Eliana S. Peters, Author Gina Sheldon, Author HJ Bellus, Kennedy Ryan Author, Laura Ward Author, Leigh Carman, Lex Martin - Author, Lindsey Iler: Author, Liv Morris, Author, L L Collins, Author M. Mabie, Author Magan Vernon, Author Meghan Quinn, Author Mel Ballew, Stacy Kestwick, Trudy Stiles

A Special Foreword written by USA Today Bestselling Author, Tara Sivec's dog, Fat Ralph!


Pre-Order Blitz: Paparazzi and Star F*cking by Andrea Smith

Pre-Order Blitz
Paparazzi (Book 3) and Star F*cking (Book 4) in Evermore Series by Author Andrea Smith
(Book 3 Evermore Series)
Releasing November 15, 2016
Book 3 in the Evermore Series finds Neely Evans enjoying a lucrative career, but not the one she aspired to as a child. Neely is one of the top, most sought after celebrity photographers, freelancing her expertise to the highest bidding tabloids. In the world of paparazzi, Neely is known as the clever and elusive "Grace Evangelista."

Her career takes her all over the world, and eventually she finds herself living on the fringe as her current assignment involves one of her favorite subjects: Seth Drake. He's filming a movie on location, but the candid shots Neely captures bring consequences that give her pause. It would be so easy for her to sell the photo, and collect the huge bounty it would bring, along with settling an old debt from her past.
But, it's not that simple. It's never that simple where Seth Drake is concerned.

Adult Content 17+
Star F*cking
(Book 4 Evermore Series)
Releasing December 12, 2016
Book 4 is the conclusion of the Evermore Series. Seth and Neely's paths have crossed over the years, but not the way they had hoped. The misunderstandings between them stem from issues beyond their control, but the truth has now been revealed. They are no longer at odds with one another. And though Seth has issues with Neely's career, they are determined to go forward together and focus on making a future together.

No matter who the players are that come in and out of their lives, one thing cannot be denied: Seth and Neely are meant to be together. Their love is destined to endure.
Almost anything.

Adult Content 17+
Other Books in this Series
(Book 1 Evermore Series)

(Book 2 Evermore Series)
Andrea Smith is a USA Today Best-Selling Author.

She self-publishes Erotic Romance, Menage, Romantic Suspense, and Sensual Romance with a paranormal twist. She also writes New Adult Romance, and has recently collaborated with Author Eva LeNoir on three M/M Romances!

To sign up for her monthly newsletter, visit her website:

Cover Reveal: Hail Mary by Nicola Rendell

New AP Cover Reveal.jpg  

Coming November 28th

Exclusive iBooks pre order:


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At a boxing gym in Chicago, Mary Monahan accidentally knocks out the most handsome man she’s ever met. After she wakes him up with a few slaps and some smelling salts, the very first thing he does is ask her out for ribs and beer. His name is Jimmy. He looks like a Gillette model. And he’s just too hunky to resist.

Jimmy “The Falcon” Falconi is mystified that Mary has absolutely no idea who he is. Mystified and refreshed. He is, after all, not your everyday NFL quarterback. He shops at Costco, has a soft spot for Pinterest, and is in the midst of an epic losing streak.

Jimmy falls for Mary fast and hard, the way he does everything—balls out and like it’s fourth and long. And he realizes he’s finally met his match. That stamina he’s so proud of? Doesn’t stand a chance against her Kegels.

But what they don’t know is she’s also his new physical therapist, recently hired by the Bears to work on his rotator cuff…and groin injury. If she can’t help him, he’ll be traded faster than they can say “offensive penetration.”

In spite of the thousands of internet memes featuring Jimmy’s face with captions like: “HEY GIRL, WANT TO TOUCH MY BALLS?” Mary finds herself falling for him and his unrelenting desire to make her his.

Until a toddler shows up at Jimmy’s door.

And throws their lives into total chaos.
To the reader: Contents includes love, sweetness, naughtiness, honey, champagne, and an HEA. Safe.
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Nicola Rendell writes dirty, funny, erotic romance. She likes a stiff drink and a well-frosted cake. She is at an unnamed Ivy and prefers to remain mostly anonymous for professional reasons. She has a PhD in English and an MFA in Creative Writing from schools that shall not be named here. She loves to cook, sew, and play the piano. She realizes that her hobbies might make her sound like an old lady and she’s totally okay with that. She lives with her husband and her dogs. She is from Taos, New Mexico.

Author Links


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Book Blitz: Wear White To Your Funeral by Lisa Acerbo

Wear White to Your Funeral 
Lisa Acerbo
Publication date: October 28th 2016
Genres: Mystery, Romance, Young Adult
Rory is your average high school senior. Or she was, until her mother banishes her to hell, also known as Trumbull, Connecticut. The small suburb with only a mall and movie theater, sure feels like the netherworld until Rory’s first day at her new school. That’s the day she meets Bowen, who begs her to join him on a class project. But when Bowen drags her to a graveyard after dark for research purposes, Rory wants to fly back home to Atlanta, or at least return to her aunt’s house unharmed and unmolested.

Nothing could go wrong, right? They talk, they laugh, and they wander among the tombstones looking for information on the local ghostly legend known as the White Lady. Then they have to run, but they cannot outrun a ghost. In addition to the ghostly woman, a half buried dead body leads Rory and Bowen into a deadly game of cat and mouse, but who is the killer? Is it human or something long dead and otherworldly?

The police are of little help, Rory’s aunt just wants her to remain safe, and Bowen, who she can’t stay away from, keeps finding ways to get her into more trouble than she has ever known. Whether breaking into a suspected killer’s house, being followed by a menacing ghost, or being stalked at school, Rory hopes finding the killer will put an end to the supernatural haunting. Before Rory can discover the identity of the killer, she is drawn into the mystery of the White Lady, which opens the door for some very real danger.

Rory tried to pay attention until she heard a husky whisper.

“Hey, new girl.” Rory turned toward the low voice. The boy with piercing blue eyes stared at her. “I’m Bowen.”

“I caught that,” she whispered back.

“Want to work together on the assignment?”

“Is it a group project?” Rory was confused by the offer.

“It is if you want it to be. Watch and learn. But first, say ‘yes.’”

He was definitely bad-boy cute. Rory giggled. “Yes.” Maybe school wouldn’t be as horrible as she imagined. She felt optimistic for the first time that day.

“Mrs. Miller?” Bowen interrupted.

“Yes, Bowen.” Miller sounded slightly irritated, but not really. It was like she already knew what Bowen planned to ask.

“The new girl.” He looked at Rory expectantly.

“Rory.” She filled in her name for him.

“I think Rory needs help with the assignment, being new here and all,” Bowen said.

“Do you now?” Mrs. Miller looked at him over the top of her librarian glasses, not believing for a minute his intentions were pure. “Why would you say that? I’m sure she is a capable young lady.”

“You do have extremely high expectations,” Bowen replied, causing twitters of laughter to erupt from around the class. “And she has not been exposed to the inverted pyramid.”

Rory had no idea what that was, so maybe she did need Bowen’s help.

“So true. So true. You are a wise man Bowen Hesse. I believe it’s a good idea you pair up with Rory and demonstrate those high expectations.”

“Every time, Mrs. Miller.”

Mrs. Miller made a noise that did not sound at all teacher-like. “I expect a higher word count if you two are pairing up.”

“Really?” He smiled at Rory and she noticed a slightly crooked tooth in an otherwise perfect smile.

“Yes, really.” The teacher said through her own smile. He shrugged. “You got it. One hundred words at least.”

The class chortled in unison.

“You’re a jokester, Bowen. Class,” she addressed everyone now, “the minimum word count for this assignment is 750. Bowen, for you and Rory, it should be 1000 words.”

His blue eyes widened. Groans quickly replaced the recent giggles that had echoed through the room.

Class resumed, and Rory heard ideas for articles ranging from pumpkin carving to the best Halloween candy. With less than twenty minutes before the bell would ring, the class divided into groups based on the section of the newspaper or yearbook they wanted to write for. She was the exception. Rory watched as Bowen pulled his desk over to her. He stood two or three inches taller than her in his University of Connecticut basketball t-shirt and faded jeans.

“So you up for writing about the White Lady?”

“You don’t want to brainstorm other topics?” Rory was disappointed. She knew nothing of the local legend and hoped to do an article on something she had some background knowledge about.

“We can, but I have a great idea for a story on the ghost.”

“Really?” Rory didn’t want to lose the chance to work with Bowen and make a friend. “In that case, sure, but I don’t really know anything about her, being from the South.”

“Where from?”

The broken record began to play. “Atlanta.”

“I want to know more. I’d like to go South one day.”

“For college?”

Bowen gave a non-committal shrug. His shirt climbed up his shoulder. The last words of his tattoo peeking out of the sleeve.

“What are you doing tonight?”

“Why?” Rory asked quietly.

“I can give you a crash course on the White Lady.” He ran a hand through his short, spiky hair. Disheveled, he looked slightly dangerous but even more attractive.

“Really?” Rory didn’t know where Bowen’s interest stemmed from. Back in Atlanta men like him would have left her — the bookworm, Honor Society, AP classes kind of student — alone, very alone.

“Sure.” He gave her a devilish wink.

Her heart stuttered. Her words followed. “Weellll, I have to have dinner with my aunt, but after that, I’m sure it will be okay.” She took a calming breath.

“Excellent.” A smile formed on Bowen’s lips. “That’ll be perfect. It will be dark when we go to the graveyard.”
Lisa Acerbo is a high school teacher and holds an EdD in Educational Leadership. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, daughters, three cats, and horse. She is the author of Apocalipstick and has contributed to local newspapers, news and travel blogs including The Patch and Hollywood Scriptwriter.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Release Blitz: A Harmless Little Game by Meli Raine

Out Now! A Harmless Little Game (The Harmless Series) by Meli Raine (@meliraineauthor)
Release date: October 18, 2016
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Political Thriller
Four years ago I lost my virginity on live, streaming television.

Too bad I wasn’t awake for it.

The video went viral. Of course it would. A Senator’s daughter on camera? Wouldn’t you click “share”? Besides, that’s what three of the four guys in the video did.


They shared me.

But that fourth guy? The nondescript one in the background in the upper left corner of the screen, just sitting on the couch? The only one who did nothing?

Not one single thing.

That was my boyfriend, Drew.

And that was the last time I saw him.

Until today, when my father—now on a path to the White House—hired him as head of security for my new team as I return home after four years of “recovering” in an undisclosed location that involved white lab coats, needles, pills and damage control.

You see, the other three guys never went to jail. Never had charges pressed.

Never faced consequences.

Until today.

Game on.                           
A Harmless Little Game is the first in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine. This series includes:

A Harmless Little Ruse (release date November 18, 2016)

A Harmless Little Plan (release date December 13, 2016)
Meli Raine writes romantic suspense with hot bikers, intense undercover DEA agents, bad boys turned good, and Special Ops heroes — and the women who love them.
Meli rode her first motorcycle when she was five years old, but she played in the ocean long before that. She lives in New England with her family.

In the video I’m wearing three scarves. One around my waist as a bright, electric blue belt that cuts neatly through my white, A-line dress.

One around my pony tail, a vibrant purple that was supposed to be the “in” color that season. Maybe even the next season. I think I was trying to be ahead of the trends. I don’t really remember why I picked it.

Can’t we just say I liked it? Isn’t that enough?

And, finally, one around my neck, a red scarf the color of pinched skin and flushed fever. The color of arousal.

The color of pain.

When I got dressed that morning I didn’t know. Couldn’t know.

I had no idea three fashion accessories would be used to tie me up so a group of “friends” could assault me. It was as impossible as thinking that my morning coffee mug would be used to bash in my skull, or that my purse would be used to choke me. That just doesn’t happen. Shouldn’t happen.

Boring objects in our lives should not be used to hurt us.

But those scarves burned. They bound me. They held me in place.

They gagged me.

Those objects of beauty became instruments of torture.

I don’t blame the scarves. They’re just pieces of cloth.

The men who used them are the ones I hold responsible.

And the man who did nothing to stop what happened was the worst of all.

Here’s some basic arithmetic:

Three scarves.

Four men.

Three attackers.

One boyfriend.

What do you think hurt me the most? The scarves? The hot, swollen, unlubricated flesh that violated me like I was just a fold of meat to jack off into? The wrenched shoulders and torn ACL from being trussed and tied up like something in a bad porno? The broken cheekbone from being raped from behind so hard my face smashed into the coffee table leg more times than the ER doctor could document?

Or knowing that my boyfriend—my best friend—just sat there on the couch and watched?