Did you love Dare DuBray from the Nocte Trilogy? Did you love love love the story, but you wished there was some more steamy scenes?
Well, guess what?
Dare is back in Dare Me, a novella featuring he and Calla... and some steaminess to be had. :)
I hope you like it. No, I hope you love it. :)
It's available exclusively on Amazon, and even better, if you're a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read it for free. If not, no worries- Dare Me is only $.99 pennies. (And even if you don't usually use Amazon for books, you can download the Kindle for PC, iPad or your phone for FREE to read!)
The hotshot novellas are the perfect length for a lunch hour or bedtime.
They say she’s crazy.
She’s not.
They don’t know the truth.
She does. The problem is, she doesn’t always remember it.
But I do.
My name is Dare DuBray.
I’m in love with a girl who is is erratic and beautiful, and a little bit mad.
But that’s ok.
We’re all a little mad, aren’t we?