Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Cover Reveal: Ruthless by Lacey Heart

Ruthless (Damaged & Destroyed #2) by Lacey Heart
R U T H L E S S (Damaged & Destroyed #2)
#PreOrder: July 12th
Book 1 is #OutNow it's time to meet the Reckless Rixon Smith.
R E C K L E S S (Damaged & Destroyed #1)
Rixon Smith wasn't just a fighter.
He was the best, and on top of his game.
He thrived on the adrenaline pumping through his veins, giving him the one thing he needed; a release to escape his damaged soul.
Rixon didn't need anything else, nor did he want it...until Amber Willow crashed into his life, turning everything he thought he knew upside down.
Lacey Heart is a book lover at heart.Both reading and writing are her passion. Latte's are her source of life.Offer her either of the above and you'll be friends for life.
Lacey was born and raised in Manchester, UK and she still resides there today with her family.
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