Bleu MacAllister is consumed. A horrific childhood incident has caused every decision in her life to revolve around bringing a monster to justice. With years spent studying The Fellowship, an organized crime brotherhood of liars, thieves, and killers, Bleu will rely on her skills as a special agent to cut Thane Breckenridge off at the knees. But walking hand in hand with retribution means risking collateral damage, in the form of Breckenridge’s son Sinclair—until Sin becomes so much more than Bleu bargained for. She’s always known this undertaking would place her life in danger—she never imagined her heart would be as well

Georgia Cates has outdone herself with book 1 in her new series The Sin Trilogy with A Necessary Sin!!! I did not think that she could craft a male lead character that could outdo Jack Henry but she accomplished that and more with the sexy solicitor slash future Fellowship leader Sinclair Breckenridge. This book was a 5 star read for me and I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this action packed series! I suggest you all but run to one-click this book because I can personally guarantee that you will be far from disappointed. You will probably fall for Sinclair's charm just as I did!
Stella Bleu Lawrence or Bleu McAllister as she goes by now has lived her entire life since the young age of 12 by preparing herself for avenging the murder of her mother that took place when she was just a young girl at the age of 7. Working undercover for the FBI in her adult years under the guidance of her adoptive father, she prides herself on knowing every minute detail about The Fellowship, a mob in Scotland that is known for its unsavory and mostly illegal practices; specifically focusing on the leader Thane Breckenridge, who she believes murdered her mother and left her for dead and his son Sinclair. Taking a leave from her job and putting all of the details into motion, she goes to Scotland to infiltrate The Fellowship through winning Sinclair over so that she can get close enough to Thane to put a bullet in his head. Her adoptive father, who is in his last months of life due to succumbing to cancer, she yearns to have this "mission" completed before he passes so that he can die with a peace that she is okay. Believing that she is ready for the undercover mission of a lifetime, Bleu starts by gaining employment at the bar that the members of The Fellowship frequent, under the guise that she is there settling her late aunt's estate before she returns to the US and her photography business. It is her feisty and sassy mouth that gains the attention of Sinclair, as she is not like any other woman that he has encountered; in or out of The Fellowship. While Bleu struggles to remind herself to stick to the plan her and her father have laid out and gone over time and time again; Sinclair struggles with secrets of his own, secrets that no one but his father and his 2 best friends know.
"Anticipation is one of the best forms of foreplay."
As Sinclair begins to try and woo Bleu into bed, she fights against his usual wham-bam thank you ma'am tactics, looking for something more meaningful from him as it is the only way to get close to his father. What she doesn't realize is that with each challenge to Sinclair to show her that he will truly worry about only pleasing her and not just take for himself; he begins to fall for her and the feelings that she begins to have for him could derail every plan that she has ever made. Keeping her true identity close to the vest and vaguely answering personal questions that Sin throws her way, she reels him in a little at a time until he begins to question how he will ever be happy once she leaves for the States in a few weeks. It is during these revelations that Bleu begins to realize that she does not want to leave him just yet either. As they become closer, Sin's uncle becomes increasingly suspicious of Bleu and what her true intentions are toward The Fellowship. Sin ignores all of the warnings, and believing that he has investigated enough to know she is not a threat to his brotherhood or life, he promises that if he is wrong, he will kill her himself. Little does he know that he words will come back to haunt him and most probably end their relationship for good.
Holy Hell what a cliff hanger! This reader has never minded a cliff hanger at the end of an amazing story, as it fuels the anticipation of the next book with thoughts of what could possibly happen next. A Necessary Sin was no different for me. I was in shock with the turn the story took in the last pages of book 1 but it was the perfect ending to the first part of what I know will continue to be a fantastically amazing story. This book is a MUST MUST MUST READ!!!!! Incredibly job Georgia!!
Georgia Cates was born to write. Her talent is impeccable. This new series The Sin Trilogy book 1 has it all. It’s fast paced, consuming and packed with a delectable - dangerous plot!!!!!
In this gripping story you will find that the hero and heroine have more in common from birth on. They were groomed and trained to be lethal if necessary. To have cold hearts. And above all to trust no one! Well when you find someone that is so like you……you can’t help but become enamoured and infatuated……. And that could be a sin!
“Mark my words. That girl’s lying in wait. She’s the devil in the most beautiful form and she’s here to sabotage us.’ -Abram
A Necessary Sin is full of betrayal, family tradition and heartbreak. When you live by a code that makes you powerful, heartless and dangerous it can be daunting and lonely. Watching Sin and Bleu let down their guard bit by bit was captivating, exhilarating and sexy.
“She’s come to know me well enough to predict the story within the book before opening it.” -Sin
Sinclair Breckenridge is in traineeship to take over his father’s command as head of the Brotherhood. It’s a private secret group that live by their own rules. They execute swiftly and punish anyone that does not follow the strict rules. Sin was born and bred for this role. When love blinds him, the boundaries get blurred and he must find a way to keep her. But does he really know her?
Bleu MacAllister is out for vengeance. It has been her sole mission in life. Along the way her icy heart thaws for the first time ever. This leaves her in a quandary. Is it too late for her? For them? Will she survive?
The danger level escalates….. My heart broke for these two people that are stuck between a rock and a hardplace. The web is tangled, tangling and it could be deadly….
Georgia Cates knows how to weave a story filled with intrigue and suspense. I am a fan of many of her books. I can’t wait for The Next Sin due in February. I need more Sin. He’s so sinfully delicious! Actually I really like his depth of character, flaws and strengths - they make him complete. They make him a tragic hero. They are my favorite kind. I need more of their tangled love story.
Get captured by this sinful tale. I give it 5 STARS*****
Romantic Suspense just happens to be my favorite genre to read Georgia Cates delivers an amazing novel that will keep you on the edge of your seats in A Necessary Sin. This was the first book I have read from Ms Cates and I am now definitely a fan! She gives is a tale of revenge that has plot twists and turns I never saw coming. She is one author that is now on my radar and I cannot wait to see how the story unfolds in the rest of the series.
Bleu McAllister was left for dead after her mother's killer strangled her. Now years later and an accomplished FBI agent, she seeks out revenge on the one person who turned her life upside. She seeks to infiltrate the Brotherhood and kill the man responsible. Her way to get in, my seducing his son. Falling in love was never in the cards for her. Or so she thought...
Sin Breckenridge is the next in line to take over for his father in the Brotherhood. He does not do relationships. He knows that the women in the Brotherhood only see him for one thing so he does not do love. When the hot new waitress as their local bar refuses his advances he knows he has a challenge. He'll end up breaking every rule he has every set for her. Something he never thought he woukd do.
Their relationship grows hot and fast. Bleu thinks she has control of the situation but can she keep all of the secrets and lies in order? What happens when her master plan start falling apart? Is love enough to hold Sin and Bleu together or will family loyalties be stronger? Its a thrilling tale that I that I could not get enough off. Ms Cates was able to draw me into their world and held me there page by page. I am now a huge fan and cannot wait for more!!
Sinclair Breckenridge’s POV:
“What happened to no one touching me?” Bleu asks.
Does that mean she doesn’t want me to touch her?
I release her and straighten to look at her face. “Do you want that to apply to me as well?”
“I want things to be very clear so there’s no misunderstanding between us. I won’t give my body to someone who’d fuck me in a storage room or on a desk in the office of a bar. I want to enjoy the pleasure that goes along with great sex, so I will only sleep with a man who is eager to please me. I must be able to trust that you aren’t in it only for yourself. I’ll demand more of you than any other woman ever has, and for that, I’m completely unapologetic.”
“Allow me to be clear with you. I only do what pleases me and that, Bonny Bleu, is what you can trust.”
I’m still holding her so close, we’re nose to nose. “Then I believe we’ve come to an impasse that will bring neither of us any pleasure.”
Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.
When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her iPod and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.
Representation: All questions regarding subsidiary rights for any of my books, inquiries regarding foreign translation and film rights should be directed to Jane Dystel of Dystel & Goderich.