Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cover Reveal: Afraid to Fly by S.L. Jennings


Afraid To Fly

The Fearless Series: Book Two

S.L. Jennings

I’d like to tell you that I’m ok.

That the meaningless sex with countless women has somehow numbed the pain. That it’s deciphered the constant confusion in my head. Eased the self-hatred that sinks into my gut every time I look in the mirror.
I’d like to tell you that time heals all wounds.
That we evolve and grow into well-adjusted, stable adults, set on a path to right the world’s wrongs. That we are not our past…we are not our pain.
I want to tell you all those things. Hell, I want to believe all those things. But I’d be lying. I’m good at that. Living a lie is the only way I truly know how to survive. But the day I saw her, I stopped surviving. I stopped existing. And for the first time in 24 years, I started living.
She brought me back to life. Set me free and sent my soul soaring. Made this useless shell of a man feel like…something. Something whole and real and good.
She saved me. 

Although she believes I wasn’t even worth saving.

I was already loosening my tie as I stalked toward her and said, “Clothes off, boots on and get on your knees.”

Velvet didn’t waste a second. She slipped out of her one-piece in a swift movement and sank to the floor. The moment I felt her take me into her warm mouth, it was like a thousand pounds had been lifted from my shoulders.
A long time ago, long before I should have, I learned to separate the physical from the emotional and mental. I told myself that just because my young body had been stolen from me and manipulated in ways that would make even the toughest man cry out in agony, I didn’t have to feel it. Not deep down inside. I didn’t have to accept what was being done to me. So I pretended to be somewhere else. I pretended to be someone else. I let my mind drift to thoughts of my parents, imagining what they may have looked like, dreaming about happy smiles and warm hugs and kisses on my cherub-like cheeks. I painted pictures of family vacations at Disney World and barbeques in the backyard. I told myself that we would have a dog named Buddy. Mama would tie bandanas around his neck, and Papa and I would take him for walks and play Frisbee with him at the park.

I had built an imaginary fortress, and in it, nothing could touch me. I was safe. I was happy. And I was loved. That was what I told myself, and that was what I held onto everyday since to survive.

As I grew older, and was no longer held captive by the physical pain, I was left to face the emotional hurt that no one could see. I was like a pariah to the family that had taken me in. We were related but they didn’t know me, and what they did know about me was deviant and disgusting. Too awful to talk about. So I suffered silently in my mind until it became necessary to tell myself lies.

Lies like the ones I was telling myself right now.
I want this. I need this.
I’m totally normal.
There’s nothing wrong with me.
Being a man means having sex with as many women as possible.
These women desire me because they need me. They love me.
They love me.
She loves me.

It was the only way I could keep doing this. The only way the shame and disgust and self-hatred didn’t keep chip-chip-chipping away at the fragments of that broken boy. The boy that had grown up to be a shattered man. The man that couldn’t be mended.



Fear Of Falling

The Fearless Series: Book One

S.L. Jennings

I can’t remember the last time I felt completely safe. Security seemed more like a luxury to me, reserved for those who were fortunate enough to have picture perfect childhoods. For those who didn’t bear the ugly scars that keep me bound in constant, debilitating fear. I’ve run from that fear my entire life. But when I met him, for once, I couldn’t run anymore.
He scared the hell out of me in a way that excited every fiber of my being. It wasn’t the tattoos or the piercings. It wasn’t the warmth that seemed to radiate from his frame and blanket me whenever he was near. It was just…him. The scary beautiful man that threatened to alter 23 years of routine and rituals, and make me face my crippling fear.

My name is Kami and I am constantly afraid. And the thing that scares me the most is the very thing I want.

“Don’t worry,” he smiled, pulling me into the hard warmth of his chest. “I’ve got you. I’ll always catch you when you fall.”
And just like that, Blaine had staked his claim on the untouched part of me that no living soul had ever moved. He had captured every fear, every reservation, and crushed them in the palm of his inked hand.

<a href="">Fear of Falling</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />


S.L. Jennings is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance, reality TV junkie, obsessive coffee drinker and collector of crazy.

Facebook / Twitter / Website


Release Promo and Review: Dear Juliet (book #3) by Trudy Stiles


Along with Trudy Stiles, we are very excited to share with you the Release of "Dear Juliet", the 3rd book in The Forever Family Series! Don't miss the special Release Price of ONLY $.99 (2 days only)! 

Make sure to check out the Book Trailer, add this series to your Goodreads, enter the Giveaway below and join the Facebook Release Party Event for more fun and giveaways!

Dear Juliet by Trudy Stiles
Book #3 in the Forever Family Series

Release price $.99 for TWO days only

<a href="">Dear Juliet (Forever Family Series Book 3)</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

This is a poignant story. Trudy Stiles has a way with writing heartfelt emotional stories. I'm a fan of the Forever Family series. If your looking for a trilogy that will pull you in and capture your heart look no further.

Her characters have so much emotional depth. Their stories are complicated and deep. They are almost tragic.

In this book, we get more insight on Seth, remember him? I remember how his heart was broke by a girl called Tabby? We also learn about a girl named Juliet troubled by an action that leaves deep psychological and emotional scars.

This book takes pieces of Dear Emily and Dear Tabitha and comes full circle in Dear Juliet. We watch the progression of Seth and Juliet's life go from past to present as we piece their story together. It is engaging and full of ups and downs.

Trudy has the gift of making you feel for her characters. They linger in your mind and stay with you. You absorb their heartache and love. You fall for them hard! You care about them and that's why Trudy is a gifted writer.

I do feel the story had a bit too much tragedy in it to be believable to an extent. But that's just my opinion.....

I recommend this series because it's amazing and wrought with lots of emotion. Click it and find out why I'm a fan!

I give it 4.5 Stars!


First off, if you have not discovered the Forever Family series by Trudy Stiles stop what you are doing and go get these books! This series is absolutely phenomenal! Each story is truly touching and will pull at your heart strings. You may need a heavy dose of tissues, chocolate, and or wine in no particular order after reading! The way that Ms. Stiles intertwines the story is amazing and cannot wait to see what is in store from her.

We meet Seth in the first book Dear Emily and then again in Dear Tabitha. My heart just broke from him in the first story and it seems like through the entire series he gets shafted and now finally in Dear Juliet we get Seth’s story! The story gets broken up in two halves and we really get to know Seth and get his full story. In the other two books he was not always the focal point and we didn’t know much about him. The bond he shares with Juliet goes for many years and it’s an amazing story that takes us from when the preteen years all the way to present day. It’s heartbreaking to see how Seth’s story unfold and you want him to find that one true love and it seems like every turn, fate just seems to get in the way of things.

Then there’s Juliet. Her story is truly tragic! She has her future in front of her and in a blink of an eye, everything changes. She struggles to find her own path after a terrific accident. She thought she had her whole life in front of her planned out and now she needs to find herself. The twist and turns that come along will surprise you and I certainly never saw them coming! 

This story just goes under the file of MUST READS and READ IT NOW! You do have to read the entire series as they do relate to one another. But you will not be disappointed! Trudy Stiles is just one of those authors that is an automatic one click for me! 5 beautiful stars!


Let me start by saying, that Trudy Stiles has a rare gift. Her books are those random gems, that will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Going into this this book, I had a soft spot for Seth. I knew there had to be a back story behind selfishness we saw in Dear Emily. And boy was I right!
Juliet and Seth recieve a school assignment to become pen pals and that starts a life long relationship.
It's a guarantee that Trudy's books will have your emotions run wild. And this one doesn't dissapoint! If you're looking for a book that will leave you raw, and then put you back together again, this is the book for you!

Dear Emily - Book #1 in the Forever Family Series

<a href="">Dear Emily (Forever Family Book 1)</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

This book is not suitable for young readers. It is intended for mature adults only (18+). It contains strong language, adult/sexual situations, non-consensual sex and some violence.

Dear Tabitha - Book #2 in the Forever Family Series

<a href="">Dear Tabitha (Forever Family Book 2)</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

The Epic Fail series will begin this summer (2015)

This is a spinoff of the bestselling Forever Family series. These will all be standalone novels focusing on the various characters from the band Epic Fail that were introduced in Dear Emily.

Book 1 - expected Summer 2015

Book 2 - expected Winter 2015

Book 3 - expected Spring 2016

Trudy Stiles is a New Adult author, mom to two beautiful children, and married to the love of her life. She is the author of the Forever Family series including “Dear Emily” and “Dear Tabitha”. There will be many more stories from this series and you never know who may have a standalone or novella written for them. Stay tuned! Trudy is a music junkie and you’ll know that she’s writing when you see her plugged into her laptop with her earbuds in. Her playlist is unique and is a must for her writing sprints. When she’s not writing, she’s carting her children to their various activities while avoiding any kind of laundry or housework. She also loves to run along the boardwalk of the beautiful New Jersey shore. She’s always been an avid reader and frequently escapes into the fictional worlds of the many characters that she has come to love. Well, now there are some fictional characters in her head dying to get out! Her first story “Dear Emily” was released in December 2013. “Dear Tabitha” was released in March 2014. The Forever Family series will continue with several companion/stand alone novels.

Twitter: @trudystiles


Release Week Blitz and Giveaway: Adrenaline by Sunniva Dee

Adrenaline by Sunniva Dee 

Publication date: April 30th 2015

Genres: New Adult, Romance

Life’s the shit!

Chicks squeal over how wild and yummy I am, play their silly games trying to tie me down. But I’m free as a bird, doing what makes life life: kicking extreme-sport-ass!

I base jump, snowboard, bungee jump. I do anything for the rush.

Then, Ingela blows into town for college—a cool Swedish blast of trouble. Foulmouthed and runway-gorgeous, the girl seeps in like poison and melts the freaking brain.

To Ingela I am what chicks were to me: pastime, leisure, entertainment, pleasure. She’s killing me, and I’m digging it. There’s a new rush in town! Yeah, I hunt down my highs, and now the chase is on. I’ll catch her soon enough, just, what’s the deal with her ex?

With Ingela, sex is a dance. A slow tango where skin flows over skin. It is slick readiness, a quiet welcome. It’s smooth, warm, right, and all wrong.

On and off. On and off. Again, she’s wrecked with grief. It’s a reminder of how I destroy her, how crushed relationships shouldn’t be revived.

We’ve done this for years, now, but clearly we’re in for more.

<a href="">Adrenaline: An Ode to Love and Heartbreak</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

The chase is over. Right here, right now, this is it. Even if it only lasts thirty seconds, the rush of what I’m about to do floods me and makes me feel. It’s so intense, every muscle in my body goes rigid with anticipation.
The air is sharp and early-morning raw. I stare out from my post on an overhang off Firam Peak. Let my eyes judge the steep drop into the ravine on the backside of the mountain. Jagged granite walls form unpredictable patterns that crash to the bottom the way I will soon, and a light dusting of snow contrasts starkly with the somber stone.
I shake my arms. Not to relieve the tension but to make sure I’m nimble and ready. I didn’t invite my friends, Dan and Marek, along today. I’d be better off with someone else around, of course, but nothing compares to the thrill I experience as I step forward alone. I’m on the edge now, in every sense of the word.
I draw in a breath of icy oxygen. Crack my fingers inside my gloves and adjust the strap on my helmet. I’m ready.
It’s so easy to plunge off the cliff. All I do is heave up on my toes and extend my arms. A light bend at the knees and I’m off, flying.
Ah, yes. I fly.
So good.
The wind howls around me. I’m fast—I’ve jumped a dozen times into this ravine so the speed doesn’t surprise me. When we started base jumping, Dan and I would heave ourselves as far out as we could to stay clear of the rock walls during the free-fall. With the velocity you take on, the smallest miscalculation will throw you against the ragged stone, toss you around, and beat you about like a rag doll. It’d be hard to survive.
It gets boring, though, to be careful every time. Which is why, at this point, to get that rush—the woozy bliss inundating my brain for hours afterward—I simply tip off the edge.
The wingsuit I wear is advanced technology. I stretch my arms out to the side, the fabric spanning open at my sides. A familiar sting of disappointment sings through me as I realize I’ll never fly without the squirrel suit. I can’t even begin to imagine the drug it would be to base jump with no security equipment. Straight to death, of course. I chuckle to myself at the thought.
I’m reaching the white ravine floor too quickly. Fuck, I’m lightning fast. The parachute on my back is a click away, but I postpone it, postpone it—
I’m on top of the world!
I’m so fucking alive while I plunge to what could be my last moment on Earth. I curl my body into a somersault and shout my rush out in an echo against the surrounding rock.

Troy or Roy is the last one to get off his barstool. Dude’s been on his ass the entire night. It’s three a.m., I’ve grabbed a broom, and I’m sweeping beneath his chair.
“Ingela…” he slurs out, blinking slowly. “You know I like you, right? You must’ve noticed.”
“Uh-huh—you need a cab, honey?” I inquire.
“Naw, I was thinking… do you want to, um, go on a date with me?” He’s so drunk I don’t think he had to work up the courage to ask. Unless you count the months he’s been sitting on that stool without broaching the subject.
“Nope, I don’t,” I say and pat his cheek.
He instantly turns whiny. “Whyyy?” He drags the word out like Lyric does. “You’re such a hottie and shit.”
I try to lift one of his stool legs high enough to pull out the wadded-up napkin stuck underneath it. “Whatevs, and you need to go home. We’re closed.”
“Oh yeah, but you’ll be open again tomorrow anyway. Or hey, today,” the smartass says. Stupid me buys into the conversation.
“I’m off to bed, dude. We all have to sleep at some point.”
As I stand, he snatches my hand in a drunken plea. “Oh, Inga—pretty Inga—say ‘yes’ to a date? You’re my… uh. Number ten.”
Whatever that means. “Nope, don’t want to,” I tell him. “Go home or I’m calling Jason to butt you out of here. See ya later, buddy.”
He whimpers and stands. Wobbles. Then, he narrows his eyes at me. “You Swedes are different, huh? Okay, how about no date, just—I’ll take you straight to bed?”
From his expression, he thinks he’s onto something. Sure, I could be in that mood. Tonight, for instance, as tired as I am, I still don’t feel like going home alone. I’d love to wake up with company—only the concept doesn’t involve overly drunk guys I’ve never felt an inkling of attraction to.
I jump when a strong hand curls around my upper arm. “Troy,” Cam says behind me. “Leave Inga alone. We’ll get you a taxi home, okay?”
Troy’s face slowly morphs to offended as he plops down on the stool again. “Oh, so he can touch you? I’ve seen you two—you let him frenchie you, even. What does he have, huh?”
A single snicker hits my ear from Cameron. “You think she should be fair? If she kisses me, she should kiss you too?”
I grin. That is a funny concept. Fairness in kisses.
The guy huffs, mad. “Don’t get what’s so special about…” He tilts his chin to Cameron but tries to focus on my face as he speaks.
Cam interrupts, though, letting go of me and moving over to Troy. “It’s time, cuddle-bun. We’ll find you someone nice tonight if you’re not too hung over, all right? Inga’s busy.”
“I am?” I say, catching Cam’s gaze as he stacks Troy on his feet and accommodates his arm around his neck to haul him off.
“Ass,” Troy mumbles but doesn’t resist.
“I’m going home with you,” Cam explains to me.

I get butterflies at that. At how sure he sounds when he tells me. He winks over Troy’s lolling head and mouths, Stay put.

 Originally from Norway, I moved to the United States twelve years ago. I hold a Master’s degree in languages and taught Spanish at college level before settling in at the Savannah College of Art and Design as an adviser.

I write New Adult fiction, sometimes with a paranormal twist—like in “Shattering Halos,” published by The Wild Rose Press in February 24th 2014 and in “Stargazer,” released November 2014. The first book I’ve self-published was the New Adult Contemporary novel “Pandora Wild Child,” which made me a proud indie author in October 28th 2014.

I specialize in impulsive heroines, bad-boys, and good-boys running amok. Then, there’s the intense love, physical and emotional attraction beyond reason—sensory overload for the reader as well as for the characters. Like in real life, I hope you’re unable to predict what comes next in my stories.

Yes, so I write what I love to read, and depending on the reader, you’ll find my books to be a fast-paced emotional rollercoaster—or disturbing because the struggles of love aren’t your thing. Here’s to hoping you have the same reading vice as me!